EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY About EY’s Advisory Services EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, In a world of unprecedented change, EY Advisory believes a better working world means transaction and advisory services. The solving big, complex industry issues and capitalizing on opportunities to help deliver insights and quality services we deliver outcomes that grow, optimize and protect clients’ businesses. help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the Through a collaborative, industry-focused approach, EY Advisory combines a wealth of world over. We develop outstanding consulting capabilities — strategy, customer, finance, IT, supply chain, people and leaders who team to deliver on our organizational change, program management and risk — with a complete understanding of promises to all of our stakeholders. In so a client’s most complex issues and opportunities, such as digital disruption, innovation, doing, we play a critical role in building a analytics, cybersecurity, risk and transformation. EY Advisory’s high-performance teams better working world for our people, for also draw on the breadth of EY’s Assurance, Tax and Transaction Advisory service our clients and for our communities. professionals, as well as the organization’s industry centers of excellence, to help clients EY refers to the global organization, deliver sustainable results. and may refer to one or more, of the True to EY’s 150-year heritage in finance and risk, EY Advisory thinks about risk member firms of Ernst & Young Global management when working on performance improvement, and performance improvement Limited, each of which is a separate legal is top of mind when providing risk management services. EY Advisory also infuses analytics, entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a cybersecurity and digital into every service offering. UK company limited by guarantee, does EY Advisory’s global connectivity, diversity and collaborative culture inspires its consultants not provide services to clients. For more to ask better questions. EY consultants develop trusted relationships with clients across the information about our organization, C-suite, functions and business unit leadership levels, from Fortune 100 multinationals to please visit ey.com. leading disruptive innovators. Together, EY works with clients to co-create more innovative © 2015 EYGM Limited. answers that help their businesses work better. All Rights Reserved. The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works. EYG no. AU3391 1503-1415327 EC ED None. In line with EY’s commitment to minimize its impact on the environment, this document has been printed With 40,000 consultants and industry professionals across more than 150 countries, on paper with a high recycled content. we work with you to help address your most complex industry issues, from strategy This material has been prepared for general informational to execution. To find out more about how our Risk Advisory services could help your purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer organization, speak to your local EY professional or a member of our global team, or to your advisors for specific advice. view: ey.com/advisory ey.com Our Risk Advisory Leaders are: Global Risk Leader Paul van Kessel +31 88 40 71271 [email protected] Global Internal Audit Leader Michael O’Leary +1 585 987 4605 [email protected] Americas Risk Life Sciences Leader Sanjay Narain +1 212 773 7879 [email protected] Area Risk Leaders Americas Amy Brachio +1 612 371 8537 [email protected] EMEIA Jonathan Blackmore +971 4 312 9921 [email protected] Asia-Pacific Iain Burnet +61 8 9429 2486 [email protected] Japan Yoshihiro Azuma +81 3 3503 1100 [email protected]