Accordingly, digital-ready CIOs are keenly aware that they can add Of course, all this is also a challenge, as EY’s David Nichols warns: value by analyzing and innovating existing business processes. “The questions these CIOs are asking are: how best to handle the Seventy percent of digital-ready CIOs see this as the area in which rapid pace of innovation going through the rest of the business, they create the most value for the business, ahead of 61% of what it means for them, and how to build an IT organization that IT-intensive industry CIOs. Furthermore, in considering where CIOs can react to that. These are the key themes that the digital CIO is ought to create value for their business, 68% of digital-ready CIOs going to have to be concerned with.” point to the need to support growth through product innovation, compared with just 51% of IT-intensive industry CIOs. Why CIOs and CMOs must learn to love udyudy each other — not only at SAP tt e se s Michael Golz, Americas CIO, SAP Jonathan Becher, CMO, SAP asas Michael Golz and Jonathan BMichael Golz and Jonathan Becherecher,, Of cOf courourssee, this r, this raisaisees specifics specific cloclosselyely. “T. “Therhere are are se so mano many dify difffererenentt CC rreespectivspectively the Americely the Americas CIO andas CIO and challengechallenges in the ins in the intterferfacace bee bettwweeneen ttechnologieechnologies that I think one os that I think one of IT’f IT’ss globglobal CMO at Sal CMO at SAPAP, belie, believve theire their markmarkeeting, which is sting, which is seeking this insigheeking this insightt,, biggebiggesst ct conontributions rightributions right not now is tw is too functions hafunctions havve changed se changed soo and the IT tand the IT teeam delivam delivering itering it. “IT. “IT guide on hoguide on how tw to ino inttegregratate thee thesse all, ande all, and fundamenfundamenttally with the advally with the advenent ot of digitf digitalal trtraditionally caditionally comeomes frs from theom the bring thebring thesse piece piecees ts togeogetherther,,” s” saayys Golz.s Golz. ttechnologieechnologies — such as big dats — such as big data, mobilea, mobile,, perperspectivspective oe of imprf improoving a busineving a businessss UnsurprisinglyUnsurprisingly, this r, this requirequirees a fs a far cloar closserer ssocial media and cloud — that markocial media and cloud — that markeetingting prprococeesss with an implemens with an implementtation oation ovver aer a CIO-CMO rCIO-CMO relationshipelationship, s, so that IT co that IT canan and IT haand IT havve no choice no choice but te but to fo fororge ege evverer longer clonger cyyclecle,,” r” reeflectflects Golz. “Nos Golz. “Now ww wee’’rree truly undertruly underssttand what markand what markeeting isting is cloclosser rer relationshipelationshipss. B. Becher citecher citees thes the in a win a world wherorld where things are things are inse insttanantt —— aiming taiming to delivo deliverer, and ensur, and ensure that this ise that this is adage that markadage that markeetterers knos know that halfw that half whewhether itther it’’s dats data ca consumponsumption,tion, prproperly joined up with the roperly joined up with the reesst ot of thef the their marktheir markeeting inting invveesstmentment is wt is wasastted,ed, acacquisition or analyticquisition or analyticss, people e, people expectxpect businebusinessss. T. This is ehis is especially true asspecially true as but do nobut do not hat havve ane any idey idea which halfa which half.. ansanswwerers immediats immediatelyely. T. To deo deal with thisal with this,, CMOs spend an incrCMOs spend an increeasingly larasingly largege “B“But therut theree’’s no es no exxccususe ane any mory moree. W. Wee IT and markIT and markeeting musting must get get clot closserer..”” prproporoportion otion of their budgef their budgetts ons on knoknow how how tw to meo measurasure the re the reetturn onurn on TTo achieo achievve suce succceessss, IT and mark, IT and markeetingting ttechnologyechnology. F. For moor mosstt, this is no, this is noww 66 eevverything werything we doe do. T. The single biggehe single biggesstt musmust let learn tarn to co communicommunicatate more moree 15%-20%, ac15%-20%, acccorording tding to Eo EY rY trtrend fend for markor markeeting is tting is to be vo be veryery eeffffectivectively and cely and collaborollaboratate more moree datdata-oriena-orientted,ed,” he s” he saayyss.. Born to be digital | 23

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