The Global Capital Confi dence • In August and September, we y Barometer gauges corporate surveyed a panel of more than 70 confi dence in the economic outlook M&E executives; 69% were C-suite and identifi es boardroom trends and executives, 30% were senior vice- e practices in the way companies manage presidents, vice-presidents or their Capital Agendas — EY’s framework directors, and 1% were heads of for strategically managing capital. business units or departments. Surveyed companies’ annual global It is a regular survey of senior revenues were as follows: less executives from large companies than US$500m (21%); US$500m— around the world, conducted by the US$999.9m (23%); US$1b—US$2.9b Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). (20%); US$3b—US$4.9b (11%); and Our panel comprises select global EY greater than US$5b (25%). clients and contacts and regular EIU • Global company ownership was contributors. as follows: publicly listed (70%), privately owned (24%), family- owned (3%) and government/state owned (3%). About this surv 1616 | C| Capitapital Cal Cononfifi dencdence Be Bararomeometterer