Intuitive HMI and sophistication of artificial intelligence w i l l s u p p o r t t h e e v o l u t i o n o f a u t o n o m o u s v e h i c l e s s o t h a t t h e y e v e n t u a l l y p e r f o r m b e t t e r t h a n h u m a n d r i v e r s More sophisticated, Vehicle intelligence needs to be self-learning and adaptive customizable and intuitive interfaces are needed “ The processing systems used for With the deployment of autonomous autonomous vehicles are expected to vehicles envisioned through the rely on advances in ‘machine learning’ to evolving shared mobility ecosystem, better mimic the human brain’s ability to deal with unique situations. The software automakers and technology companies of a fully autonomous vehicle will need to will need to allow customized HMI for be adaptive, intuitive and self-learning, Peter Fuss multiple users sharing a car. This can be like a chess super computer that learns Senior Advisory Partner Automotive done through seamless integration of from its opponents’ moves as well. The GSA, EY various “brought-in” personal devices, requirement of artificial intelligence in personalized interior options, etc. As the car will push software development beyond its current limits. It will open up autonomous technology is not yet entirely new opportunities for IT and technology companies to add significant ready to handle all driving conditions, a value to the cars of the future and also capture future mobility customers.” sophisticated — adaptive and intuitive — HMI is crucial, considering factors such as distraction and complacency. Vehicle design needs to evolve to achieve new opportunities “ As vehicles become fully autonomous, dramatic opportunities for changes to the interior and exterior of the vehicle are possible. Completely new interfaces are supported as the steering wheel, shifter, brake and pedals are no longer required. Interior space opens up and I envision reconfigurable seating and interiors that easily adjust to meet the varying needs of passengers — especially in this emerging realm of car sharing and ride sharing. Data will validate that fully autonomous vehicles are safer than human drivers; safety regulations can Kristin M. Schondorf change to allow much lighter and more efficient vehicles. A broader use of technology and other activities within the vehicle are possible as there is no human driver necessary. This Global Automotive & Transportation opens up a whole new world and a new way of thinking about transportation.” Mobility Leader, EY 2 | H o w m u c h h u m a n d o w e n e e d i n a c a r ?

How much Human do we Need in a Car? - Page 4 How much Human do we Need in a Car? Page 3 Page 5