*1 9_] J]_agf l Total a 5 t 23 21 To 375 182 163 United States 9% United States 70 United Kingdom 8% United Kingdom 60 Germany 7% Germany 53 China 7% China 52 India 7% India 51 France 6% France 48 Australia 6% Australia 46 Mexico 5% Mexico 40 49% Hong Kong SAR 4% Hong Kong SAR 33 Italy 4% Italy 33 Canada 4% Canada 32 Turkey 4% Turkey 32 South Korea 4% South Korea 30 Singapore 4% Singapore 30 Netherlands 3% Netherlands 22 Brazil 2% Brazil 15 Sweden 2% Sweden 13 Malaysia 2% Malaysia 12 Spain 2% Spain 12 United Arab Emirates 2% United Arab Emirates 12 Belgium 1% Belgium 11 Indonesia 1% Indonesia 11 Russia 1% Russia 11 Greece 1% Greece 9 24% Norway 1% Norway 7 21% Denmark 1% Denmark 6 Finland 1% Finland 6 New Zealand 1% New Zealand 4 Portugal 1% Portugal 4 Vietnam 0% Vientam 2 Ireland 0% Ireland 1 Japan 0% Japan 1 3% 3% 1% d 49 59 39 69 29 e o o o o o fus 40 t 50 t 30 t 60 t 18 t e Age r ?]f\]j Jgd] Total 652 Male Total 117 Female ?jgmh;>G'ÕfYf[]\aj][lgj 37% 281 15% J]_agfYd;>G'ÕfYf[]\aj][lgj 34% 154 Female Male G'ÕfYf[]\aj][lgj 20% 260 Gl`]jk]fagjÕfYf[]d]Y\]j 9% 74 85% Note: Some charts do not add to 100% due to rounding. ey.com/dnaofthecfo

Is the Future of Finance New Technology or New People? - Page 31 Is the Future of Finance New Technology or New People? Page 30 Page 32