24 | Akl`]^mlmj]g^ÕfYf[]f]ol][`fgdg_qgjf]oh]ghd]7Hj]hYjaf_^gjl`]^mlmj]ÕfYf[]^mf[lagf 2. EYc]mk]g^l`]\an]jk]ogjc^gj[]eg\]dkg^lgegjjgoËk take a flexible approach to sourcing the skills they need to on-demand economy confirm they meet capacity demands without scaling up in In the future, organizations will increasingly rely not only on areas that may then become obsolete. their own workforce to get the job done, but also on non- For Carl Smith, EY Global Talent Marketplace Leader, this employees — in other words, the external or contingent requires a fundamental shift, as most large organizations workforce, including freelancers and sub-contractors. and multinationals are not well equipped to manage A number of trends, from demographic changes to contingent workers. “Many companies do not have a good technology shifts, are driving the move toward a contingent handle on the sourcing and management of their workforce. Many workers now do not want to be tethered to contingent workforce, because organizations have been one company, and so they seek more flexible employment built over the years to deal with a permanent employee conditions. And in volatile markets, the need for specific base,” he says. “Organizations need to think about skills fluctuates wildly as technologies change and ‘integrated strategic workforce planning’ and rationalize consumer behavior shifts. This means that companies must processes, systems, roles and responsibilities, and analytics to enable effective sourcing and management of their contingent workforce.” ;gflaf_]flogjc^gj[]2c]qkm[[]kk^Y[lgjk Manage risk by being very purposeful in how you select contingent workers — for example, looking not just at skills, but also cultural fit. Establish processes to help source contingent workers when needed, and create a rigorous on-boarding process. Establish mechanisms to help contingent workers feel connected to the organization, so the relationship does not end up as purely transactional. Consider whether you have the right culture to attract contingent workers with key skills, and the right diversity policies to attract people with different backgrounds and experiences. Provide contingent workers with access to ongoing management and continuous learning. Implement the technology required to effectively source, manage, pay and assess contingent workers.