1 ;gfl]flk Executive summary 2 Part 1: Technology 4 Advanced data analytics and forecasting 5 Robotic process automation 9 Cloud and SaaS 10 9jlaÕ[aYdafl]dda_]f[] 11 Blockchain 11 Part 2: People 14 :mad\af_YkeYjl]j$egj]^gjoYj\%dggcaf_Yf\j]kada]flÕfYf[]^mf[lagf 15 ;`Ydd]f_af_l`]YkkmehlagfkYZgmlo`Yl[gfklalml]kÕfYf[]lYd]fl 23 The CFO: the pragmatic visionary 26 Other publications of interest 27 Survey demographics 28 Contacts 30 ey.com/dnaofthecfo

Is the Future of Finance New Technology or New People? - Page 3 Is the Future of Finance New Technology or New People? Page 2 Page 4