18 | Akl`]^mlmj]g^ÕfYf[]f]ol][`fgdg_qgjf]oh]ghd]7Hj]hYjaf_^gjl`]^mlmj]ÕfYf[]^mf[lagf >a_mj]*2Design principles for tomorrow’s finance function operating model Today Strategy, operations, people CFO Strategic advisor to the lines of business :mkaf]kkhYjlf]jk Risk, financial planning, tax, etc. Centers of excellence Low-value, high-volume transactional processes (i.e., not requiring judgment) >afYf[]^Y[lgja]k2k`Yj]\k]jna[]k[]fl]jk and outsourcing Lgegjjgo K]fagj^afYf[]]p][mlan]^mf[lagf2 KljYl]_a[Zmkaf]kkhYjlf]jk2 The finance executives manage complex, growing and • Data-driven scenario and demanding responsibilities of the finance leadership role. performance modeling They work with the CFO to focus on: • Resource allocation to drive innovation • External relations and digital propositions • Business model and digital innovation • Liaison with business units and functional • Talent leadership leaders • Ecosystem and partnerships K]fagjÔfYf[] • Megatrend response executive function • Ethical decision-making ;>G$ÕfYf[];GG$ [`a]^Y[[gmflaf_g^Õ[]j Internal KljYl]_a[Zmkaf]kkhYjlf]jk External stakeholders, stakeholders, including technology including partners, key suppliers, technologists, entrepreneurs and business unit and innovation hubs. functional leaders Next-generation centers of excellence Next-generation []fl]jkg^]p[]dd]f[]2 KeYjlÔfYf[]^Y[lgja]k • Finance analytics ?dgZYdZmkaf]kk • Forecasting, drawing on both enterprise k]jna[]k! KeYjl^afYf[]^Y[lgja]k2 data and sources such as customer behavior • Lean-driven finance services with fully and competitor activities automated transactional processes • Strategic risk and resilience • Data production and provision, • Connected reporting, including financial reporting and automated controls, scorecard reporting, sustainability KPIs, stakeholder management and self-service data communication across multiple channels • Headed by the COO of finance • Smart compliance and control, including data-driven early • Outsourcing vendors focused on higher- warning systems value and automated services, with • Financial management commercial terms focused on value