The CFO’s role We believe these six segments represent the breadth of the CFO’s remit. The leading CFOs we work with typically have some involvement in each of these six − either directly or through their team. While the weighting of that involvement will depend on the maturity and ambition of the individual, the sector and scale of the finance function and economic stability, they are all critical to effective leadership. l a n r e T t r x u e s T t e i h n t g o t E N t e h c e g n a n i l u X E t p a t m c e b i k n r e E M u a r P m m s C m Representing Ensuring business o O C the organization’s decisions are U L progress on grounded in T strategic goals sound financial E to external criteria I y stakeholders O V g e t N a E r 1 t 6 P s r s o D s Developing Providing insight v e The id n i si and defining and analysis to n ub the overall strategy 5 CFO’s 2 support the CEO ni g g for your organization role and other senior s nipole 4 managers thgi veD 3 Funding, enabling Leading key and executing initiatives in finance F strategy set that support overall u by the CEO strategic goals n d r i n e g d r o o r g n i a n e i s z u a o t h i o r n u a o l y s t g r a n t i e t g t y e E G NABLEMENT