The CFO’s role The CFO’s role has undergone a transformation. We believe that the six segments on the right represent the breadth of the CFO’s remit today. l a n r T e r t u x s T e t The leading CFOs we work with typically have some involvement in each i e n h g t t E N o h t e e c of these segments — either directly or through their team. While the g a n n l u X E i p m t t a e b c k e weighting of that involvement will depend on the maturity and ambition i r r E M n a s u m of the individual, on the sector and scale of the finance function, and on P m C m Representing Ensuring business o economic stability, each segment is critical to effective leadership. O C the organization’s decisions are U L progress on grounded in T strategic goals sound financial I E to external criteria V y stakeholders O g e N t E a 6 1 r P t s r o D s v s Developing Providing insight i We are grateful to all the participants in this study. In particular, we would like e The d n and defining and analysis to in i to thank the following CFOs and CIOs who readily shared their insights in a s u b the overall strategy 5 CFO’s 2 support the CEO n i g g for your organization role and other senior s series of interviews: n i p managers h g i Nikolay Andreev Gary Lennon o l e v 4 3 t CFO, Head of Administration Executive General Manager, e D and Technical, Finance, National Australia Bank Funding, enabling Leading key Nova Broadcasting Group Venkat Padmanabhan and executing initiatives in finance strategy set that support overall Helen Arnold President and Global Head of F by the CEO strategic goals u n d i CIO, SAP Finance — Products, n r g e d o r r o Olam International g a n n i Christine Ashton i z e a s t u i o o h n Senior Vice President for Technology, Stephen Pearce a r l u o s y t r a g t n e i g t y t e Thomson Reuters CFO, Fortescue Metals Group E G Mark Boxer Matthias Waehren NABLEMENT CIO, Cigna CFO, Givaudan Christian Gosch David Whiteing CIO, Erste Group Bank CIO, Commonwealth Bank of Australia Partnering for performance Part 3: the CFO and the CIO 2