The CFO and CIO: a vital partnership for success In today’s digital economy, the financial well-being of the enterprise is Key findings about the CFO-CIO relationship dependent on the health of the CFO-CIO relationship. Technology innovations, According to our survey, CFOs and CIOs are becoming increasingly connected. from the cloud to mobility, offer the potential to transform organizations’ Sixty-one percent of CFOs say that their collaboration with the CIO has operations, customer experience and business model. increased over the past three years (see Chart 1). Organizations are driving performance improvement and creating new Chart 1: Over the past three years, what change has there been to the extent that competitive advantage through a range of digital initiatives, from harnessing you collaborate with the CIO? the power of big data and analytics to transform decision-making, to meeting the demands of the ultra-connected customer. To a much greater extent 23 To succeed, organizations must make bold technology investment decisions that are driven by corporate strategy, while managing a range of severe risks, To a slightly greater extent 38 such as cybersecurity and data privacy concerns. No change 32 This mission-critical convergence of technology, investment strategy and risk has elevated the CFO-CIO relationship to new levels of importance. Any To a slightly lesser extent 7 disconnect between the CFO and CIO will have profound consequences for the organization. To a much lesser extent 1 % A growing relationship 0 10 20 30 40 CFOs say they are getting closer to the CIO and IT agenda. Similarly, 71% of CFOs say that there has been an increase in their involvement In the last three years: 71% in IT over the past three years (see Chart 2). Chart 2: Over the past three years, how has your involvement in the say they have increased their IT function changed? involvement in the IT agenda. Significant increase 35 Slight increase 36 report greater 35% 61% collaboration No change 20 with the CIO. report a significant increase in their involvement with the Slight decrease 4 IT agenda. Significant decrease 1 % 0 10 20 30 40 Partnering for performance Part 3: the CFO and the CIO 5

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