The CFO’s role The CFO’s role has undergone a transformation. We believe that the six segments on the right represent the breadth of the CFO’s remit today. l a n r T e r t u x s T e t The leading CFOs we work with typically have some involvement in each i e n h g t t E N o h t e e c of these segments — either directly or through their team. While the g a n n l u X E i p m t t a e b c k e weighting of that involvement will depend on the maturity and ambition i r r E M n a s u m of the individual, on the sector and scale of the finance function, and on P m C m Representing Ensuring business o economic conditions, each segment is critical to effective leadership. O C the organization’s decisions are U L progress on grounded in T strategic goals sound financial I E to external criteria V y stakeholders O g e N t E a 6 1 r P t s r o D s v s Developing Providing insight i We are grateful to all the participants in this study. In particular, we would like e The d n and defining and analysis to in i to thank the following finance leaders and chief executive officers who readily s u b the overall strategy 5 CFO’s 2 support the CEO n i g g for your organization role and other senior s shared their insights in a series of interviews: n i p managers h g i Harry Bains Jose Ma. K. Lim o l e v 4 3 t CFO, CNBC International at President and CEO, Metro Pacific e D NBCUniversal, Inc. Investments Corporation (MPIC) Funding, enabling Leading key and executing initiatives in finance Christophe Le Caillec David Nicol strategy set that support overall F by the CEO strategic goals Senior Vice President and CFO, CFO, MPIC u n d i n r Global Network & International g e d Roland Sackers o r r o g Consumer Services, a n n i i CFO and Managing Director, z e a s t u i o American Express o h n a r l u o QIAGEN s y t r a g t n e i g t y t e Costas Charitou Kathy Waller E G CEO, Lanitis Group of Companies Executive Vice President and CFO, NABLEMENT Jack de Kreij The Coca-Cola Company Vice Chairman of the Executive Board and Chief Financial Officer, Royal Vopak