“ [We need to] … promote a culture of risk management and use of analysis in the areas of anti-fraud across all divisions in the company, not just at the central management level.” Internal Audit Executive, Retail and Wholesale, Italy Across the board, the majority of respondents believe they have a long way to go to reap the full value of FDA in reducing program costs, with only 9% confident that they are fully realizing the benefit. Figure 9: Realizing the full benefits of FDA Faster response in investigations 20% 53% 17% 10% Increased business transparency 20% 58% 17% 5% Getting the business to take more responsibility for 19% 54% 18% 9% managing the company's anti-fraud program Ability to detect fraud that we couldn’t detect before 14% 55% 22% 9% Early fraud detection 11% 56% 22% 11% Reduced costs of anti-fraud program 9% 42% 27% 22% Fully realized Realized to some extent Realized to a small extent Not realized at all �▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ Q. To what extent have you realized the benefits of FDA over the past two years? Base: All respondents (665) “ We continue to see the global impact of cyber breach both from internal and external threats. The monitoring and analysis of an organization’s structured and unstructured data assets will be fundamental to the early detection and investigation exercise.” Paul Walker, Partner, Forensic Technology & Discovery Services, FIDS UK, EY Global Forensic Data Analytics Survey 2016 | 17

Shifting into High Gear: Mitigating Risks and Demonstrating Returns - Page 17 Shifting into High Gear: Mitigating Risks and Demonstrating Returns Page 16 Page 18