Conclusion Portfolio management and predictive analytics can help your organization successfully execute projects Organizations that are successful in delivering large and complex programs outperform Successfully executing their competitors in the market. It is the new basis of competition. The problem is that many organizations spend effort executing the wrong projects and thus waste some of innovative projects their valuable (and limited) resources. will drive competitive The key is to help executives identify projects with the best potential and then to enable them to nurture the most valuable and innovative programs. This requires having the advantage. right processes and tools in place to assist organizations in balancing their portfolio of projects. The ability to have a forward-looking view of risks and being able to predict the impact of those risks allows the organization to proactively manage projects. Surprises late in the project life cycle are costly and difficult to recover from. Being able to make adjustments to the project’s governance, controls and processes prior to the onset of issues allows the organization to increase the success of their strategic programs. The early identification of necessary corrective actions and predictive risks leads to greater control of program performance and accelerated benefits achievement, resulting in: • Reduced project cost • Reduced project time • Increased benefit realization • Improved time to benefits • Improved return on capital investments • Increased competitive posture How can EY help? Our ability to provide a holistic fact-based objective risk view, from project selection to portfolio development, to project planning and through project execution, will help you unlock the value of your program investments. The differentiator is our ability to predict risks, understanding their future impacts and thereby making informed decisions to improve program performance. We can help your organization regain control of your strategic programs and deliver meaningful value, fully aligned with your organization’s business strategy and risk tolerance. Depending on your particular need, we can assist in various reviews as outlined in this report. This can provide a comprehensive view of your organization’s risk position to support effective risk management. We can also assist in developing a prioritized road map, and provide support and assistance in addressing those critical areas that will have the greatest positive impact. We can help you to effectively manage your key risks and strengthen your organization’s ability to successfully deliver large, complex projects. Unlocking the value of your program investments | 15

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