Decision priority analysis A visually depicted decision framework helps to determine if a priority misalignment exists within and across governance tiers (including suppliers) that could lead to decision-making disconnects on the project — a key reason why many projects become challenged. The diagrams below show an example of a priority alignment analysis. The degree of alignment needs to consider both alignment across each governance tier (horizontal alignment), and between each governance tier (vertical alignment). The degree of misalignment, each horizontally or vertically, will impact effective decision-making. Schedule 5 Organizational 4 impact 3 2 Cost 1 0 Executives Quality Scope Benefits Schedule t 5 en Organizational 4 m impact 3 Cost ign 2 al 1 al 0 Leads c i t er Quality Scope v f o e e Benefits gr e D Schedule 5 Organizational 4 impact 3 Cost 2 For more information on how 1 improving the decision alignment 0 Team of your important projects can unlock the value of your program Quality Scope investment, please see our Building confidence in executing IT programs report. Benefits Degree of horizontal alignment Unlocking the value of your program investments | 13

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