Evolving scenarios: the road ahead The transition to autonomous vehicles (AVs) will take place in several steps. They are not expected to be part of everyday life before 2035. 1 5–10 years Self-parking • Controlled, AV-only structures/lots environments • Moderate level of automation 2 • Low to medium speeds Dedicated AV highway lanes 3 Connected 10–20 years urban centers • Less restricted environments • High level of automation 4 • Medium to high speeds Public AV transportation 5 Expanded AV Beyond 20 years highways • Large, connected vehicle networks; no constraints • On-demand mobility and 6 fleet services • Customized consumer AVs Fully AV ecosystem Source: UN World Urbanization Prospects, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Factiva, Navigant Research, EY analysis European Commission, Directorate General Information Society and Media, Informal document No.: ITS-13-07 4 | Who’s in the driving seat?