However, it is also apparent that many IT-intensive industry CIOs still struggle to translate this need for stronger communication and Inclusive technology? influencing skills into practical reality. For example, few of them appear to hold stronger relationships across the business than Gender diversity in IT-intensive typical CIOs do. In fact, they often have weaker relationships. This is true internally, where they have weaker links with core figures industries such as the CEO or CFO, but also externally, where ties both with regulators and end customers aren’t as strong. For IT leaders who CIOs are not the most gender-balanced group. For the most part, hold as much sway as they do to influence other parts of the typical CIOs tend to be male: just 4% of IT leaders polled for The business, this is a missed opportunity. DNA of the CIO were female. In contrast, however, IT-intensive “Digital is creating new demands for leadership. Some CIOs are industries appear to be rather more inclusive, with three times ready for that and some aren’t,” notes KornFerry’s Concannon. as many female CIOs as other sectors. Unfortunately, they “This talk about ‘the CIO is dead’ is sort of silly, but it’s clear that remain a clear minority — at just 12% of the sample — but it the role is going to change a lot. I have to be a proactive advisor to suggests that these businesses are making a greater effort to the business, providing solutions and discussing new approaches,” attract more female executives. says Zalando CIO Philipp Erler. EY’s Tom Velema adds that the The IT industry is the sector that has been the most successful in biggest challenge for a CIO has always been about getting to be attracting women to the highest roles in IT: 1 in 5 of the top 25 seen as a business enabler rather than a business problem. Digital CIOs there are female — including Cisco’s Rebecca Jacoby and presents CIOs with a fresh opportunity to become relevant to the Lenovo’s Wang Xiaoyan. This is a far cry from the one woman business, but this digital CIO needs different DNA. among the top 25 companies in banking or life sciences, or the two within telecommunications. Much progress remains to be made, but the IT sector is clearly doing what it can to push ahead. Born to be digital | 15

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