t 5HoHow ITw IT-in-inttensivensive induse industry CIOs stry CIOs sttand outand out Char Discussing business performance Discussing business performance with the executive management teamwith the executive management team Educational backgroundEducational background TThe rhe racace e ITIT tto go digito go digitalal Appetite for strategic engagementAppetite for strategic engagement ITIT-in-inttensivensive e indusindustry CIOtry CIO 44 %% ITIT-in-inttensivensive e %% TTypicypical CIOal CIO 66 Typical CIOTypical CIO 2929%% TTypicypical CIOal CIO 2929%% 5050%% indusindustry CIOtry CIO 5050%% 5555 from any sector from any sector %% and with manifold and with manifold 3636 backgroundsbackgrounds BusinessBusiness They are typically more engaged in corporate They are typically more engaged in corporate strategy and developmentstrategy and development 44 %% Leading digital transformationLeading digital transformation 88 IT-intensive industry CIOIT-intensive industry CIO from sectors that have higher from sectors that have higher %% than average ratios of IT than average ratios of IT ITIT-in-inttensivensivee 5511 spending as a proportion spending as a proportion indusindustry CIOtry CIO of total revenueof total revenue Average ageAverage age IT-intensive industry CIOs are leading IT-intensive industry CIOs are leading Top three skills needed to succeedTop three skills needed to succeed implementation of digital technologies implementation of digital technologies such as cloud, mobile and analyticssuch as cloud, mobile and analytics TTypicypical CIOal CIO 42.42.88 45.45.11 ITIT-in-inttensivensivee Share of womenShare of women indusindustry CIOtry CIO TTypicypical CIOal CIO ITIT-in-inttensivensive induse industry CIOtry CIO TTypicypical CIOal CIO ITIT-in-inttensivensive e indusindustry CIOtry CIO Seat at top tableSeat at top table ITIT-in-inttensivensivee indusindustry CIOtry CIO Average time in roleAverage time in role TTypicypical CIOal CIO 5353%% 7979%% 8181%% 7474%% 8787%% 9090%% 8383%% %% TTypicypical CIOal CIO ITIT-in-inttensivensivee 1177 %% %% indusindustry CIOtry CIO 44 1212 IT-intensive industry CIOs are more likely to hold IT-intensive industry CIOs are more likely to hold a seat in the executive management team, offering a seat in the executive management team, offering Communication Communication LeadershipLeadership ChangeChange huge chances to transform the businesshuge chances to transform the business and influencingand influencing managementmanagement 6.2 y6.2 yeeararss 5.3 y5.3 yeeararss Satisfaction with the external Satisfaction with the external perception of the CIO roleperception of the CIO role Involvement in innovationInvolvement in innovation 4545%% Relationships to suceedRelationships to suceed ITIT-in-inttensivensive e Career ambitionsCareer ambitions ITIT-in-inttensivensivee indusindustry CIOtry CIO indusindustry CIOtry CIO ITIT-in-inttensivensive e %% indusindustry CIOtry CIO ITIT-in-inttensivensivee 5050 TTypicypical CIOal CIO TTypicypical CIOal CIO indusindustry CIOtry CIO TTypicypical CIOal CIO 3939%% Focus on front office Focus on front office IT-intensive industry CIOs are more IT-intensive industry CIOs are more ambitious overall, but especially ambitious overall, but especially IT-intensive industry CIOs build closer IT-intensive industry CIOs build closer when it comes to aspiring business when it comes to aspiring business relationships with the CMO and clientsrelationships with the CMO and clients executive positionsexecutive positions 16 | Born to be digital