C-suite priorities for the next 18 months Overall impact, strategies and preparedness to execute Navigating volatility Navigating Securing access to resources 1 operating 5 environment forces The automotive C-suite expects unfavorable volatility to While the C-suite believes critical resources offer a competitive continue, with emerging markets demand and political advantage, they also see them as necessary for business instability topping the list of concerns. Most feel their continuity. Talent topped the list of critical resources, followed organizations are unprepared to respond effectively. by infrastructure and technology. Securing these resources, however, continues to be a challenge for most of the industry. 63% expect unfavorable only 20% feel well-prepared Sustaining Managing 63% Only 17% impact from volatility to respond to volatility competitive internal believe securing feel well-prepared to advantage operations critical resources offer secure critical resources competitive advantage 2 Enhancing value proposition 3 Gaining competitive advantage 4 Improving operational effi ciency There is consensus across the industry on the value of features Market penetration/expansion, owning innovation and having There is a strong focus on data management and analytics and functionality to drive loyalty, and a greater recognition of an effective corporate strategy development process top the initiatives to drive operational effi ciency, however, few are the critical role of digital in improving the customer experience. list of strategic initiatives for C-suites to drive competitive confi dent in their organization’s ability to execute. 71% 29% advantage. 84% believe changing consumer feel well-prepared to 71% 27% believe profi tability (rather only 16% feel demands support their meet changing consumer believe enhancing value feel well prepared to than revenue growth) is well-prepared to implement value proposition demands proposition can give a implement strategic initiatives the driver for operational key operational effi ciency competitive advantage to gain competitive advantage effi ciency initiatives initiatives Changing laneChanging lanes 2015-16 | s 2015-16 | TThe authe automotivomotive Ce C-suit-suitee’’s agenda s agenda || 33