produ ct ion and dist rib u t ion arms w it h 9^rica starts a creatine É 9 eaboritq o^ a view t o produ cing, dist rib u t ing and in\ustriad renodution _onerneents use\ to promot ing b et t er q u alit y drama ab road. Int ernat ional media grou ps are also African governments earlier paid little consi\er cudture as seek ing t o increase t h e visib ilit y and attention to CCI, eit h er du e t o lack `obbies3 t`eq are noo ex port s of African cu lt u re. In 2 0 1 4 , of u nderst anding of t h eir economic F rance’ s Canal+ lau nch ed a 1 0 0 % African impact or b ecau se governance and ret`inkin_ it as an T V ch annel, A+ , now b roadcast in economies w ere t oo w eak t o su pport more t h an 2 0 African cou nt ries, w h ile t h em. However, they are increasingly in\ustrq t`at can `ane Lagardè re Act ive R adio Int ernat ional recognizing the value of cultural si_niÕcant iehacts on h as lau nch ed t h e V ib e radio st at ion development. N igeria’s G overnment now in S enegal. kmhhortk itk file indmktry$ reco_nirin_ t`eir econoeq&Ê it s ab ilit y t o creat e j ob s, ex port earnings É Oit` t`e 9rab and t ax revenu es. T h e N at ional F ilm and V ideo Censors B oard is proact ive in Cultural policies expert, Mozambique Khrin_$ LN re_aine\ indu st ry development , and h as ex panded an essentiad rode it s role from cont ent regu lat ion t o T o t h rive, h ow ever, African creat ive indu st ry advocacy . indu st ries w ill h ave t o sh ift from t h e o^ coeeunication T h ere is st ill a lot t o do. T h e ch allenge free%to%amdience eodel and find oayk an\ in^oreation in is t o mak e CCI more st ru ct u red and t o rew ard creat ors. T h is w ill req u ire t h e formal t o increase int ernat ional visib ilit y development of new b u siness models, Nort` 9^rica& Oe adso and ex port s of African cu lt u ral cont ent . new at t it u des t o int ellect u al propert y , sao t`e eeer_ence D espit e government su pport , N olly w ood and effect ive copy righ t prot ect ion. `ak no official inktitmtional hrekence o^ narious hirate ou t side N igeria, and is missed b y c`anneds oit` eore many su rvey s of int ernat ional cinema produ ct ion. According t o U N E S CO in it s ^ree\oe o^ sheec`&Ê 2 0 1 3 Creat ive E conomy report , b ecau se Fi_eriaÌk file indmktry ik not hlm__ed into t h e int ernat ional fest ival and sales circu it , A bbas A zzouzi itk hrodmctk reeain difficmlt to acimire ou t side Africa, t h ou gh some can now b e Director of Medi1TV, Morocco fou nd online. | Cultural times L`e Õrst _dobad eah o^ cudturad an\ creatine in\ustries 7 3