N igeria’ s music industry: the most mature in A frica N igerian music climax ing N igerian music industry set to hit a Keq Õ_ure O ver t h e last 5 and1 0 y ears, t h ere h as high note b een incredib le grow t h in t h e ou t pu t B ey ond a t h riving and diverse local mu sic of “ N aij a” mu sic, made in N igeria. T h e scene, advances in mob ile t ech nology U S $ 1 5 0 m indu st ry produ ces over 5 5 0 alb u ms mean t h at digit al and int ernat ional o^ dine eusic renenues annu ally , and record sales h ave more recorded mu sic companies can now t`an trihled in t`e hakt five yeark& Koee effect ively reach a h u ge sw at h e of ex pect t h at t h e cou nt ry ’ s ent ert ainment consu mers across N igeria. N igeria indu st ry w ill ach ieve sales of U S $ 1 b a already h as a domest ic digit al mu sic É Len qears a_o$ oe \i\ not y ear b y 2 0 1 6 . b u siness, w it h st rong part nersh ips `ane anq eusic! in\ustrq3 N igeria also h as one of t h e most dy namic w it h leading regional and nat ional live mu sic scenes in Africa. G lob al annu al t elecommu nicat ions operat ors ( su ch as oe \i\ not `ane anq N igerian live performance revenu es M T N N igeria) . Int ernat ional services su ch suhhort& Oe \i\ not enen ex ceed U S $ 1 0 0 m, reinforced b y a as D eez er, iT u nes, S h az am, S imfy and `ane anq recor\ dabeds& grow ing live mu sic scene — especially via Y ou T u b e are now operat ing in N igeria. t h e M u sic Lagos F est ival. T h e Kdeek, a st reaming service developed 9n\ because oe bediene\ b y U niversal M u sic and S amsu ng, w as in oursednes an\ oe N igerian mu sic clearly dominat es Africa. lau nch ed in Angola, G h ana, K eny a, bediene\ in o`at oe `a\$ In 2 0 1 5 , N igerian art ist s maint ained N igeria and S ou t h Africa in early 2 0 1 3 . oe continue\& 9n\ noo t h eir su periorit y at t h e M T V Africa M u sic T h ere are also local services su ch as Aw ards, not ab ly w it h D avido’ s emergence S pinlet and iR ok ing. t`e eusic in\ustrq is t`e as t h e B est M ale Art ist and Y emi Alade as bi__est exhort ^roe 9^rica B est F emale Art ist . a^ter oid an\ _as&Ê Nigerian singer and songwriter | Cultural times L`e Õrst _dobad eah o^ cudturad an\ creatine in\ustries /-

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