EY ¶ Assurance ¶ Ta ¶ Transactions ¶ Advisory ƒbout EY EY is a global leader in assurance€ ta€ transaction and advisory servicesŠ The insights and uality services ‚e deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital marŒets and in economies the ‚orld overŠ Že develop outstanding leaders ‚ho team to deliver on our promises to all o our staŒeholdersŠ In so doing€ ‚e play a critical role in building a better ‚orŒing ‚orld or our people€ or our clients and or our communitiesŠ EY reers to the global organiœation€ and may reer to one or more€ o the member firms o Ernst & Young Global Limited€ each o ‚hich is a separate legal entityŠ Ernst & Young Global Limited€ a §² company limited by guarantee€ does not provide services to clientsŠ For more inormation about our organiœation€ please visit eyŠcomŠ ƒbout EY’s Global Technology Center EY’s Global Technology Center ˜GTCš is a net‚orŒ o ˆ„€……… technology practice proessionals rom across our global member firms€ all sharing deep technical and industry Œno‚ledgeŠ ƒur highperorming teams are diverse€ inclusive and borderlessŠ ƒur eperience helps clients gro‚€ manage€ protect and€ ‚hen necessary€ transorm their businessesŠ Že provide assurance€ advisory€ transaction and ta guidance through a net‚orŒ o eperienced and innovative advisors to help clients manage business risŒ€ transorm perormance and improve operationallyŠ ¬isit us at eyŠcom¯technologyŠ ƒbout EY’s Global Media & Entertainment Center EY’s Global Media & Entertainment Center brings together a ‚orld‚ide team o proessionals to help you achieve your potential — a team ‚ith deep technical eperience in providing assurance€ ta€ transaction and advisory servicesŠ ƒur net‚orŒ o proessionals collaborate and share Œno‚ledge around the ‚orld€ to provide consistent€ highuality service and leverage our leading marŒet share position to provide you ‚ith actionable inormation€ uicŒly and reliablyŠ ¬isit us at eyŠcom¯GL¯en¯Industries¯MediaEntertainmentŠ © ‡…ˆ‰ EYGM LimitedŠ All ‹ights ‹eservedŠ EYG noŠ F£………¨ E¦ one In line ‚ith EY’s commitment to minimiœe its impact on the environment€ this document has been printed on paper ‚ith a high recycled contentŠ This material has been prepared or general inormational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting€ ta€ or other proessional adviceŠ £lease reer to your advisors or specific adviceŠ