Digital Agility Now
Digital Leadership Study Series from EY’s Global Technology Center and Global Media & Entertainment Center Report No. 1 Digital agility no Creating a highelocity media and entertainment organiation in the age of transformatie technology
“ Mobile-social-cloud and big “ Media and entertainment data analytics technologies companies no longer lie in a are game-changers for M&E world where eerything lies companies. Together these in ‘their’ world. t’s a connected technologies can help the M&E ecosystem with consumer ‘digital leaders’ who broke technology leading the way.” ahead of the pack in the early stages of the digital era to etend their adantages. They also offer a new opportunity for those who fell behind to adapt uickly and catch up.” John Nendick Pat Hyek Global Media & Entertainment Leader and Global Technology Industry Leader Americas Media & Entertainment Leader EY EY rapidly evolving
Contents 4 erie of the Digital Leadership Study Series 6 Digital is rapidly transforming media and entertainment 9 Digital leaders forge the agility ision 18 Creating agility and enabling a culture of innoation 21 Case studies€ deeloping agile organiations Foursuare’s startup culture etfli’s fleible approach potiy’s suads and tribes 23 Competing for people and s‚ills in a fastchanging enironment 26 Enabling technology tools for agile organiations 31 utloo‚€ Insights rom our Agility Inde ƒc‚noledgments 33 Source notes 34 Contacts
„ho too‚ the surey… ƒvervie‚ o the ¦igital Leadership EY€ ‚ith the help o ƒord Economics€ tudy eries conducted a global survey o more than „„… M&E eecutives during the first uarter o ‡…ˆ‰Š ‹espondents came rom Turbulence and disruptive change continue to define today’s media a ‚ide s‚ath o M&E industry segments€ and entertainment ˜M&Eš ‚orldŠ Early leaders in M&E’s digital including advertising€ broadcast and transormation are challenged ane‚€ as social media€ ‚idespread cable€ publishing and inormation services€ filmed entertainment€ broadband availability€ aster internet connections and the rapid interactive gaming€ music and social spread o smartphones and tablets have changed the demands and media€ as ‚ell as rom the technology epectations o media audiences and created an astounding variety industryŠ ‹espondents ‚ere asŒed to o ne‚ digital products and servicesŠ e‚ companies are crossing the report their primary segment€ as ‚ell divide bet‚een content providers and distributors• product lie cycles as their secondary segment€ i anyŠ are radically compressing• traditional business and distribution models Figure 1: Žespondents by continue to transorm• and customer demands are shitingŠ Companies industry segment must pursue organiœational agility€ i they are to respond competitivelyŠ Enabling 12% technology 8% To better understand the comple or eample€ is that ™ž” o M&E companies Social networking/ 11% challenges M&E companies ace as they see the potential o smart mobility to drive social media 12% Music 12% seeŒ to master mobilesocialcloud and big revenue gro‚th over the net ‡–‰ years€ 4% data analytics technologies€ EY enlisted but only ‡ˆ” have secondgeneration Interactive gaming 12% ¡ 6% ƒord Economics to survey eecutives mobile technology deployments or ne‚ Publishing and 12% rom more than „„… M&E and technology product and service development — ‚hich€ information services 10% Broadcast and 12% companies across the globeŠ Že combined in the contet o M&E€ o course€ means ne‚ cable networks 5% the survey data ‚ith intervie‚s o selected content€ sot‚are or intellectual property ˜I£šŠ Filmed entertainment 12% 8% eecutives€ secondary research and our Advertising and 12% o‚n analysisŠ Že’re sharing the results in ƒur study uncovered five Œey areas ‚here measurement 8% a series o five indepth reports€ o ‚hich M&E companies must actively rethinŒ their Primary industry Secondary industry this is the firstŠ ‘ere are a e‚ topline strategies as they undergo their digital Figure 2: Žespondents by country data points’ more than “„” o all survey transormations ˜see Figure ‰€ page „š’ headŒuarters respondents are engaged in digital transormation• their top strategic priority • The comple‡ challenges of the digital is “creating a culture o innovation” era ill demand that M&E companies ROW US ˜„™”š• and their top digital transormation become more agileˆ As technologies€ 14% 20% challenge is “coping ‚ith ne‚ digital platorms and distribution models change€ HK business models” ˜‰“”šŠ M&E companies are rethinŒing the very 4% Germany structure o their organiœations to improve 5% These ne‚ technologies do more than agility — allo‚ing them to anticipate and Mexico China 12% change customer epectationsŠ They also nimbly respond to rapid shits in customer 7% oer M&E companies po‚erul tools to demand and uicŒly seiœe emerging Italy better understand and connect ‚ith their opportunitiesŠ For eample€ some ¥‡” 7% India 12% customersŠ Advances in smart mobility€ o those M&E companies ‚e identified as France social media€ cloud computing and data ahead o the technology adoption curve 9% UK analytics give M&E companies the potential ˜see “Identiying digital leaders€” page „š 9% to gain detailed insight into their customers’ cite the shortening lie cycles o products Ž„ includes€ ƒustralia‰ ‘rail‰ Canada‰ ’inland‰ behaviors and preerencesŠ ›y realiœing and services as the Œey challenge aced in “ndonesia‰ “srael‰ ”apan‰ •e –ealand‰ Žussia‰ that potential€ M&E companies can oer the their digital transormationsŠ South ƒfrica‰ South —orea‰ Spain‰ Seden and personaliœed€ any‚here€ al‚ayson content Taianˆ that media consumers no‚ demandŠ • Managing digital groth‰ including £ercentages in Figure ‡ do not total ˆ…… due properly pacing inestment in legacy to roundingŠ Yet our research reveals gaps bet‚een products and serices as they “sunset” current reality and the promise o these or eole‰ reŒuires M&E companies to transormative technologies to build accept greater and more dierse ris‚s revenues€ reanimate legacy oerings€ as they see‚ to e‡pand their reachˆ Throughout this report€ all dollar amounts are develop ne‚ products and services and Žhether it’s using social net‚orŒing to § dollars€ unless other‚ise indicatedŠ get to marŒet more rapidlyŠ ƒne such gap€ capture audiences or adapting digital Throughout this report€ “secondgeneration” denotes technology deployments that incorporate lessons learned ¡ † rom initial deployments and go beyond to achieve more advanced unctionalityŠ
content to attract smartphone users€ products and services€ reanimate eisting “dentifying digital leaders M&E companies ‚ill be orced to thinŒ ones€ and reimagine business models about — and manage — more risŒ in ne‚ to oset declines in traditional revenue Among the more than „…… global ‚aysŠ ome ™¥” o all respondents say channelsŠ In a ‚orld ‚here so many respondents to our survey€ ‚e identified they are investing in digital sta aster than customers epect their digital products and and categoriœed ™“ companies as digital digital revenue is gro‚ing€ and „…” say services to be ree€ a more complicated leaders based on certain criteriaŠ In they can accept shortterm revenue losses ‚eb o revenuegenerating eorts has these companies’ as they move up the digital learning curveŠ emerged€ including micropayments and ƒ course€ that means another „…” are reemium contentŠ All respondents indicate • ¦igital revenue already eceeds „…” reluctant to accept that tradeo€ ‚hich that “personaliœation” ˜™¥”š€ “anytime€ o their company revenueŠ suggests a dierent risŒ€ that o alling any‚here access” ˜™‰”š and “creating • Customer profile data is integrated behind othersŠ uniue content” ˜™ˆ”š ‚ill be the Œeys across at least t‚o channelsŠ that ensure customers pay or digital • econdgeneration or better solutions • Transformatie technologies such as products and services in the utureŠ are in place in at least t‚o o our Œey smart mobility‰ social netor‚ing‰ technologies ˜smart mobility€ social cloud computing and big data analytics • Technology and M&E companies can media€ big data analytics and cloud offer M&E companies unprecedented partner more closely ith one another to computingš to increase revenue or opportunities to meet their customers meet the digital challenges‰ but develop ne‚ products or servicesŠ hereer they areˆ £ersonaliœation is they need to better understand the a Œey trend in the digital utureŠ These “disconnects” that separate themˆ Žhile These digital leaders tend to have ne‚ technologies can oer M&E ar technology companies can help M&E dierent characteristics than all other more granular and nuanced insights into companies climb the digital learning curve€ survey respondentsŠ They are’ the preerences and behavior o their especially in the areas o cloud computing audiences — insights that can be used and data analytics€ many M&E companies • More li‚ely to hae been in business to refine eisting products and services€ are reluctant to seeŒ partnerships ‚ith longer™ ™‡” o digital leaders have create ne‚ ones and eectively ensure that outside companiesŠ For eample€ ™¥” o been in business more than ˆ… years€ customers see your content ˜or access all respondents insist on inhouse sŒills compared ‚ith „‰” or all other their content over your net‚orŒšŠ ›ut only to process€ collect and analyœe data€ but respondentsŠ about ‡…” o all companies responding ¥ˆ” say they are not yet obtaining any • ƒre more enthusiastic about the have gone beyond studying and piloting insights and ‰¥” say that developing a potential of smart mobility to or initially deploying these technologies to data strategy to ensure the right people generate significant revenue over secondgeneration deployments that build get the right data so they can act on it is the net ‡‰ years versus all other on their initial eperiencesŠ a big obstacle to achieving their big data respondents ˜ž‰” versus ™¨”šŠ analytics goalsŠ • •ot necessarily ery large companiesŠ • M&E companies recognie that they must In act€ ¥ˆ” o digital leaders have accelerate digital product and serice This paper ocuses on the first o the revenues bet‚een ©„……m and ©ˆbŠ deelopment or face the possibility that five Œey areas’ ho‚ M&E companies are digitalsay leaders ill get there first reorganiœing to become more adaptive and usurp their mar‚etsˆ Thereore€ and responsive to shiting marŒetplace nnua igita M&E companies must rapidly create ne‚ opportunities and risŒsŠ reenue eader other Figure 3: Media and entertainment transformation frameor‚ ©‡„m–©¥““m ‡“” ‰¥” ©„……m–©“““m ¥ˆ” ‰‡” ©ˆb–©„b ‡…” ‡„” n C o u i t C s ˆ…” “” a o t ª©„b z n o i Content t m n Vision e a y n e g t discovery t r r i l c i u O g r A a t ote’ our revie‚ o the digital leaders’ survey Targeting and i o n Culture engagement responses oten yielded additional valuable insightsŠ Thereore€ throughout this report ‚e ‚ill reer to Enabling Customization/ three dierent types o responses€ as appropriate’ tools Cloud personalization • All survey respondents Social Data • ¦igital leaders Product Mobile Pace of • All others ˜all survey respondents minus the development investment digital leadersš Relationships/ th M Distribution partnerships ow r B one g g usin tiza Payment Risk agin egy es tio models an at s m n M Str ode l ource’ EY analysis€ ‡…ˆ‰Š š
¦igital is rapidly transorming “ ring your own deice media and entertainment has translated into software€ which has translated into data. “Every day we’re playing three-dimensional chess.” ‚onsumer technology o said an M&E eecutive ‚ith ‚hom ‚e discussed our researchŠ is transforming how M&E ‘e ‚as commenting on the incredible speed ‚ith ‚hich digital companies produce€ technologies continue to change M&E content€ marŒeting€ distribution€ distribute€ track and business models€ supporting inrastructure and organiœational monetiƒe their content structure — even no‚€ t‚o decades into the age o digitiœationŠ and „.” ark orao Global Media & Entertainment ƒdisory Serices Leader The speed o that technologyenabled change o M&E companies are rethinŒing the EY is still accelerating€ ‚hile average revenue o very structure o their organiœations to M&E companies is poised to cross the „…” improve agilityŠ They are embracing ne‚ marŒ rom ma«ority traditional to ma«ority and emerging technologies to support digitalŠ ƒur research sho‚s that revenue organiœational structures that enable a rom digital is epected to average ¥¨” o nimble response to rapid shits in customer all respondents’ revenue in ‡…ˆ‰€ and gro‚ demand• that let them uicŒly seiœe emerging to „¨” by ‡…ˆ„ — maŒing digital the primary opportunities• that flatten hierarchies source o revenue or M&E companiesŠ and eliminate silos• and that accept risŒŠ These companies are also shiting rom Mean‚hile€ M&E consumers are continuously “maŒe and sell” to “sense and respond” Among all respondents assimilating ne‚ smart mobility or social business models€ as technology enables media technologies ˜thinŒ€ or eample€ them to get closer than ever beore to o the sudden initial rise o tablets and the their customersŠ šœž of subseuent rapid success o subžinch tabletsš€ ‚ith conseuent changes in their media consumption behaviorŠ ome even topline become doityoursel producers o their o‚n ne‚s€ music€ videos and gamesŠ Mean‚hile€ —ey characteristics of agile M&E unprecedented insights into customer tastes companies include€ reenue and behavior patterns are aorded to M&E companies by those same technologies€ • Advanced social listening programs ‚ill be derived rom acting in concert ‚ith others such as cloud to Œeep on top o changing computing and big data analyticsŠ customer sentiment digital channels by • Leadingedge analytics that identiy — Že believe this landscape o astchanging in realtime — ne‚ customer ‡…ˆ„ — up rom ¥¨” compleity is ‚hy all respondents’ top serving opportunities o revenue todayŠ strategic priority or digital transormation • ‹apid resource or ne‚ product is “creating a culture o innovationŠ” This deployment in response to those ‚as chosen by ™¥” o digital leaders and opportunities „¥” o all others ˜see Figure ˆ¥€ page ˆžšŠ • Cloudbased inrastructure ˜‚here ƒnly a true culture o innovation ‚ill yield appropriateš to enable lo‚errisŒ the steady stream o ne‚ ideas or products rapid deployment and scalability and services€ business models€ distribution€ as conditions change etcŠ€ reuired by M&E’s constant state o • The ability to “ail or‚ard€” ast — technologyinduced changeŠ iŠeŠ€ learn rom inevitable missteps€ fi them rapidly and move on ›ut a steady stream o brilliantly innovative ideas demands an etraordinarily agile organiœation to bring them to marŒetŠ ›
›Ÿž of all respondents say smart mobility ‚ill “moderately” or “substantially” drive revenue gro‚th in the net ‡–‰ yearsŠ In terms o the ability to “ail or‚ard€” ast€ ƒther M&E industry segments eel the etfli’s acŒno‚ledged mid‡…ˆˆ misstep — pressure to adapt to rapidly changing “ nly the most agile M&E and agile response — is destined to become customer demands «ust as prooundlyŠ organiƒations will be able to a tetbooŒ case studyŠ Announcing a ™…” “It’s no longer good enough to identiy a keep up with the etraordinary price increase or a combined ¦¬¦ rental problem at “ aŠmŠ€ and have it fied at the pace of technology change.” and streaming video service ˜as a prelude to end o the business day€” says icŒ Earl€ splitting the t‚o into separate businessesš enior ¬ice £resident or games publisher uy €anger initially cost the company ž……€……… Electronic ArtsŠ “In the mobile ‚orld€ i you Deputy and ƒmericas subscribers and ž‰” o its share priceŠ CEƒ discover the problem at “’……€ you need to Technology “ndustry Leader ‹eed ‘astings uicŒly apologiœed€ on his fi the problem by “’…„ and have it ready EY blog• the company responded by electing not to go into the field at “’ˆ…Š That’s «ust to separate the businesses€ but it did Œeep ho‚ it ‚orŒs no‚Š” the pricingŠ ubscriber and share price gro‚th returnedŠ As o its ‡…ˆ‰ first uarter€ etfli’s subscriber numbers matched ‘›ƒ’s€ the most ‚atched cable net‚orŒ in the § € and its share price had more than uadrupled ˆ€‡ rom its ‡…ˆ‡ lo‚Š The ollo‚ing sections o this report ‚ill eplore insights rom our research about the role o technology in enabling agile M&E organiœationsŠ The sections are€ • ¦igital leaders orge the agility vision • Creating agility and enabling a culture o innovation • Competing or people and sŒills in a astchanging environment • Enabling technology tools or agile organiœations • An ƒutlooŒ section that includes our Agility Inde identiying those industry segments displaying the most€ and least€ agility ˜see Figure ‡‰€ page ‰‡š œ
pportunities for technology companies pportunities for M&E companies In a turbulent marŒetplace ‚here agility is critical€ M&E customers are taŒing evermore control over their M&E companies must rapidly develop and roll out ne‚ media habits€ becoming their o‚n “editorsinchieŠ” technology tools to meet the increasingly changing And they are getting more inormation ‚ith ‚hich to dynamics o their audiencesŠ Žhat are the opportunities inorm their choices€ ‚hile media consumption devices or technology companies to help M&E companies prolierate in unprecedented numbers — both inhome become more nimble® and mobileŠ Thus€ the imperative or a clear vie‚ o customers and the marŒet has never been greaterŠ e‚ ¡uestions to consider€ technologies are enabling M&E companies to rethinŒ and • ‘o‚ ‚ell does your company understand the uniue retool€ to be more agile and more responsive€ and to challenges acing M&E companies€ and the nuances o allocate sŒills and resources accordinglyŠ each sector® • ¦oes your company have the capabilities to rapidly ¡uestions to consider€ deploy oerings and assist M&E companies in a dynamic • To ‚hat etent does your approach to investment in anytime€ any‚here digital marŒet® ne‚ technologies reflect business as usual versus the • ‘o‚ ‚ell can your company help M&E companies opportunity to maŒe cultural and operational changes integrate mobilesocialcloud and big data analytics to your organiœation® technologies® • Are your relationships ‚ith technology providers • ¦oes your company oer costeective and fleible tools collaborative® ¦o you ‚orŒ together to better to help clients better understand customer interactions understand ho‚ mobilesocialcloud and big data across all channels ˜digital and physicalš® analytics technologies can enable your business • Žhat assurances ˜eŠgŠ€ privacy€ securityš can your ˜versus procuring otheshel solutionsš® company oer M&E companies that cloudbased • In ‚hat ‚ays is your company using technology to alternatives or hosting content and big data can be capture inormation that helps you better understand suficiently fleible and reliable€ yet oer the control your customers’ ‚ants® The competitive landscape® • M&E companies demand® ‘o‚ have you used technology to breaŒ do‚n traditional organiœational silos€ thereby ensuring you can deploy the best available resources ‚hen you identiy an opportnity® Ÿ
¦igital leaders orge the agility vision ›ecause it is the leaders in an industry ‚ho define the ‚inning vision€ ‚e looŒed closely at the survey results o our digital leadersŠ Že ound a group ‚ith great conviction Figure 4: £o ill digital technologies ¤mobilesocialcloud and big data analytics¥ that smart mobilesocialcloud and big affect your reenue oer the ne‡t years…¦ data analytics technologies ‚ould drive revenue gro‚th ˜see Figure ¥š€ as ‚ell as an increased emphasis on social and Mobile technology 28% 55% cloud technologies ‚ithin and across their 34% 33% o‚n organiœationsŠ Že also discovered the leaders ‚ere much more ocused on ne‚ product development than evolving eisting Cloud computing 29% 48% products and services€ and more concerned over evershortening product lie cycles 34% 28% than everyone else ˜see Figure „šŠ Big data analytics 45% 28% In other ‚ords€ the digital leaders recogniœe that ne‚ technologies are altering 37% 19% customer behaviors and transorming marŒet opportunities at ‚arp speedŠ They 45% 25% realiœe they must build more agile€ nimble Social networking organiœations to meet the challenge o 39% 17% serving such a astmoving marŒetŠ And so they are looŒing or the most eective Moderately (digital leaders) Substantially (digital leaders) technologies to deploy ‚ithin their companies to enable customerdriven Moderately (all others) Substantially (all others) course corrections that are both rapid and ¡£ercentages sho‚n represent respondents ‚ho chose “moderately increase” or “substantially increaseŠ” adaptive€ and to support smarter — and much aster — management decisionsŠ Figure ‚: „hat are the ‚ey challenges your company faces in its digital transformation…¦ Implementing this vision o an agile ¤Select the top three) organiœation constantly delivering ne‚ products and services to match the rapid evolution o customer tastes and habits is Shortening life cycle of 42% a tall orderŠ Conseuently€ our research our products/services 28% reveals gaps bet‚een the vision and its eecution€ even among the leaders and Operating in new 38% certainly among the restŠ geographic markets 32% Incorporating new digital 38% technologies into our products and systems 26% Coping with new digital 32% business models 40% Increasing competition 26% from firms with superior digital capabilities 32% Digital leaders All others ¡£ercentages sho‚n represent respondents ‚ho ranŒed each choice first€ second or thirdŠ ¢
CTs ¤†ž¥ and CEs ¤ ž¥ have the most responsibility or digital vision and strategyŠ ƒ„… or ƒ†… “oˆn” digita iion ›ut it is the prevalence o CEƒs taŒing direct and trategy responsibility or digital vision¯strategy It is a testament to the critical importance that is most notableŠ It correlates to o digital transormation that companies’ the organiœation‚ide cultural change CEƒs ‚ere named as responsible or the that is reuired or success in digital digital vision and strategy almost as oten transormation ˜discussed in the net as chie technology oficers ˜CTƒsš — ‡‰” sectionš€ because such ‚idespread change versus ‡¥” ˜see Figure ™šŠ And among typically is not possible unless it is led rom€ digital leaders€ in act€ CEƒs and CTƒs ‚ere or vigorously supported by€ the topŠ tied€ at ‡™” eachŠ Another ˆ‡” o digital leaders give the responsibility to a chie digital oficer ˜C¦ƒš and ˆˆ” to their chie inormation oficer ˜CIƒšŠ Figure 6: „ho is responsible for the digital technology ision and strategy ithin your company…¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ Function †ota Advertising Film ›roadcast £ublishing and Gaming Music ocial media Technology inormation services CTƒ or ¬£ Technology ‡¥” ˆ™” ‰…” ‡ž” ‡ž” ‡…” ˆ¨” ‡„” ‡ž” CEƒ€ £resident€ or ¬£ ‡‰” ‡‰” ‡ˆ” ˆ“” ‡ˆ” ‰„” ‡ž” ‡‡” ˆ¨” C¦ƒ or ¬£ ¦igital ˆ‡” ˆ™” ˆ…” ˆ¨” ˆˆ” ˆ¥” ™” ˆ¥” ™” CIƒ or ¬£ IT ˆˆ” ¥” ˆ…” ¨” ˆˆ” ˆ…” ‡…” ˆ‰” ˆ¨” CFƒ or ¬£ Finance ž” ˆ™” “” ¨” ‰” ‰” ˆˆ” ™” ˆ…” CMƒ or ¬£ MarŒeting ™” ˆˆ” ¨” ˆ” ˆ…” …” „” ™” ™” Cƒƒ or ¬£ ƒperations ¥” ˆ…” ˆ” ‰” ¨” ‰” ™” ‡” ‰” C ƒ or ‘ead o ›usiness trategy ¥” ‰” ¥” ¨” ™” ‰” ‡” ‰” ¥” ¡£ercentages sum to less than ˆ…… because “other” and several verylo‚scoring choices ‚ere not includedŠ §¨
Neˆ product and erice any‚hereš and are more ‚illing to let “ …martphones€ tablets and deeopŠent ‹ocu legacy products and services languishŠ Žhen asŒed to ranŒ the top three ‚ays They choose to leverage eisting strengths social media are all catalysts in ‚hich technology ‚ill drive gro‚th or in brand€ I£€ customer base€ etcŠ€ in the for accelerated change in the their organiœations€ „¨” o all respondents support o these ne‚ products and services€ way people create€ discoer chose developing ne‚ product and service ‚hich customers have embraced ‚illinglyŠ and consume content. †nd this oerings first€ second or third€ more than They are introducing ne‚ products and any other selection ˜see Figure ¨šŠ Evolving services iteratively€ learning rom each o is ‡ust the beginning.” eisting products and services ‚as the their iterationsŠ And they are iterating ‚ith second most popular choice€ ranŒed by „…” increasing reuency€ rather than ‚aiting to Hoˆard a o all respondentsŠ LooŒing more closely do it once or t‚ice a yearŠ This correlates •ortheast Media & Entertainment at only top ranŒings€ digital leaders sho‚ ‚ith their concern over shortening product ƒdisory Serices Leader greater ocus on ne‚ product development€ lie cycles seen in Figure „€ page “Š EY ‚ith ‰…” ranŒing it number one versus ‡„” o all others ˜see Figure žšŠ Even Gaming companies are ‚idely seen at more interesting is ho‚ little digital leaders the leading edge o iterative product care about evolving eisting products and developmentŠ ƒur data confirms services — only ˆ“” ranŒed it number oneŠ this€ ‚ith ™™” o interactive gaming segment respondents citing ne‚ product Že believe digital leaders are recogniœing development and only ‰“” ocused on their customers’ embrace o ne‚ evolving products and servicesŠ ƒ note€ al‚aysavailable digital products and the gaming respondents are even ahead o services ˜‚hether broadcast€ streamed the digital leaders on this point€ ‚ith ‰¥” or do‚nloaded to the living room or to ranŒing ne‚ product development number a smartphone or tablet that could be one ˜compared ‚ith ‰…” o digital leadersšŠ Figure Œ: “n hat ays ill technology drie groth for your organiation…¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ (Top three rankings) roˆth drier †ota Advertising Film ›roadcast £ublishing and Gaming Music ocial media Technology inormation services ¦evelop ne‚ products¯service oerings „¨” „¥” ¥“” ™…” „™” ™™” ™¥” ¥“” „™” Evolve eisting products¯service oerings „…” ™“” „ˆ” ¥“” ¥¨” ‰“” „‡” ¥‰” ¥¨” Get to marŒet aster ‚ith ne‚ or evolved ¥…” ‰ˆ” ¥‡” ‰ž” ‰‡” „„” ‰¥” ¥ˆ” ¥ˆ” products¯services ¡£ercentages sho‚n represent all respondents ‚ho ranŒed each choice first€ second or thirdŠ Figure 8: “n hat ays ill technology drie groth for your organiation…¦ (Top rank only) Develop new products/ 30% service offerings 25% Evolve existing products/ 19% service offerings 30% Get to market faster with 13% new or evolved products/services 12% Digital Leaders All others ¡£ercentages sho‚n represent respondents ‚ho ranŒed each choice number oneŠ §§
Music segment respondents matched beore because o technology that enhances gaming’s ‰¥” number one ranŒing or organiœational agilityŠ Yet our analysis o ho‚ ne‚ product development€ and ™¥” these technologies are being adopted sho‚s ššž ranŒed it first€ second or thirdŠ imilarly€ that many companies have a long ‚ay to go broadcasting companies’ ™…” first€ second beore obtaining the ull benefitsŠ o all respondents or third ranŒings ‚as higher than the overall averageŠ These segments are reacting to ‘Šart Šo’iity rate internal use o radical changes in the cycle time o their Žhen asŒed ho‚ mobilesocialcloud traditional products and services€ as the rapid and big data analytics technologies ‚ould mobile technology adoption o mobile phones€ video streaming aect their revenue in the net ‡–‰ years€ “very” or “etremely” and tablets spurs demand or “al‚ays respondents ‚ere most positive about available” accessŠ It’s interesting to note that smart mobility’ ™ž” o all respondents importantŠ advertising€ film and social media companies and ž‰” o digital leaders said it ‚ould ranŒed ne‚ product development belo‚ the “moderately” or “substantially” increase overall averageŠ their revenue ˜see Figure ¥€ page “šŠ mart mobile technology supports M&E companies’ †echnoogy depoyŠent upport ability to deliver the anytime€ any‚here Ž„ agiity content access customers no‚ epectŠ I digital leaders are ocused on ne‚ product ›ut looŒing urther€ M&E companies are development€ technology is enabling them using smart mobility internally as ‚ell to create agile organiœations to do this more as eternally’ providing employee access eficiently and eectivelyŠ M&E companies to corporate inormation ‚as the top use€ are deploying the digital technologies o ‚ith „„” o all respondents rating it “very” smart mobility€ cloud computing€ social or “etremely” important€ ‚hile acting on net‚orŒing and big data analytics to help customer location data analysis ranŒed them achieve their digital agility visionŠ avvy second ‚ith „‰”Š It’s ‚orth noting that the adopters are continuously ad«usting their digital leaders emphasiœe both sides o that marŒeting and product development plans euation’ ¨ˆ” rated employee access to based on continually updated Œno‚ledge and inormation as very or etremely important insight into their audiencesŠ And they are and ¨¥” gave that rating to enhancing able to maŒe those ad«ustments aster than customer oerings ‚ith location inormationŠ Figure 9: “n hat stage of deelopment is your company in deploying mobile technology to help achiee your distribution business goals… ¤ƒll respondents¥ 60 41% 50 38% s 40 spondent30 re of % 20 14% 7% 10 0 Not deploying Studying/piloting Beginning deployment/ Second-generation first generation deployment or later Advertising and measurement Publishing and information services Social networking/social media Filmed entertainment Interactive gaming Enabling technology Broadcast and cable networks Music Average of all respondents §
Clearly€ M&E companies understand that pattern remained the same and “ Today’s workforce is also smart mobility oers ne‚ ‚ays to deliver the percentage that has gone beyond personaliœed content that is constantly firstgeneration deployments is consistent’ today’s digital consumer — rereshed and even “in the momentŠ” or marŒeting and product and service their media eperience is onetheless€ even some leading media development€ ‡ˆ”• or revenue optimiœation€ across multiple deices — companies ‚ere surprised by ho‚ rapidly ˆ¨”• or research€ ˆ™”• or employee it’s social. They epect their their audience migrated to the smartphone engagement¯communication€ ˆ„”• and and adopted it in a variety o innovative or customer engagement€ ˆ‡”Š organiƒation to mirror this — ‚aysŠ Tim Žestergren€ Founder and Chie and uickly.” trategy ƒficer o the music service ¦igital leaders appear to have accurately £andora€ eplains’ “The smartphone ‚as the anticipated the rapid transition to mobile artyn €hiter biggest surprise or usŠ ƒnce the smartphone enabled content and are prepared to respond Media & Entertainment came out€ people began plugging it into rapidly ˜see Figure ˆ…šŠ For eample€ ¥“” Lead ƒnalyst thingsŠ o the home stereo system became have secondgeneration or later deployments EY a £andora device€ and your car became a or product and service development€ ¥¥” £andora device€ etcŠ That triggered a domino or marŒeting€ ‰ž” or revenue optimiœation eect across consumer electronics€ and our and ‰…” or customer engagementŠ engineering eort completely reocused on onetheless€ this indicates a real gap the device distributionŠ” bet‚een the demands o the M&E agility vision and ‚here the ma«ority o Figure “ illuminates ‚here M&E companies M&E companies stand in terms o deploying lie on the adoption curve or smart mobile needed mobile technology to achieve that technologyŠ Že find it surprising that the visionŠ Ater all€ smart mobility enables an vast ma«ority in every M&E segment are entirely ne‚ platorm o M&E possibilities still studying and piloting or «ust beginning that are locationbased€ contet a‚are and their firstgeneration deployments o mobile physically a‚are€ and that can monitor technology or product distributionŠ ƒnly ˆ¥” customer behavior and allo‚ them to have gone beyond these stages to second provide instantaneous eedbacŒŠ This ‚ill generation deploymentsŠ Že asŒed this same be eplored urther in uture reports o uestion or numerous unctions€ but the this seriesŠ Figure 1“: Žespondents employing secondgeneration or later mobile solutions to help achiee the folloing business goals †¢ž Product/service 49% Product/service 49% development 16% development 16% o digital leaders Marketing 44% Marketing 18% 43% 18% say they are using Revenue optimization 38% Revenue optimization 14% 38% secondgeneration 14% Employee engagement/ 32% Employee engagement/ 13% 32% communication 13% mobile technology communication Customer engagement 30% Customer engagement 10% 30% to develop products 10% Distribution 26% and servicesŠ Distribution 13% 26% 13% Digital leaders Followers Digital leaders All others §
ig data anaytic and ma«or opportunities eist or companies ›ig data analytics technology has been to employ more sophisticated analytics to adopted even less by M&E companies than boost revenuesŠ Considering all respondents€ smart mobile€ ‚hich maŒes sense because Figure ˆˆ sho‚s the same pattern seen in its importance ‚as amplified ater smart Figure “ on page ˆ‡€ ‚ith an average o mobile devices achieved critical massŠ o «ust ˆ“” having gone beyond the first ‚hile digital leaders are three times more generation stageŠ liŒely than other respondents to use second generation big data analytics techniues Yet it is clear that big data analytics oers to improve customer engagement ˜‡™” media companies enormous opportunity to versus “”š€ there is enormous potential or segment their customers€ understand their all companies to do moreŠ ƒnly onethird preerences and buying habits and develop o digital leaders use secondgeneration relationships that deepen over time and techniues to improve their marŒeting€ across multiple platormsŠ Figure 11: “n hat stage of deelopment is your company in deploying big data to help achiee your reenue generating business goals… ¤ƒll respondents¥ nly §¢ž 60 o all respondents 50 43% have deployed second generation big data s 40 30% analytics solutions in 30 spondent re 19% generating revenueŠ of % 20 8% 10 0 Not deploying Studying/piloting Beginning deployment/ Second-generation first generation deployment or later Advertising and measurement Publishing and information services Social networking/social media Filmed entertainment Interactive gaming Enabling technology Broadcast and cable networks Music Average of all respondents §†
‘ocia netˆorking Further€ slightly more than „…” o all Figure ˆ‡ repeats the pattern ‚e’ve seen€ respondents are at least using social ¦igital leaders are this time or social net‚orŒing€ ‚here net‚orŒs or product and service on average «ust ˆ„” o respondents are development and distribution€ or are more than t‚ice as beyond the firstgeneration stage or actively monitoring sentiment in social liŒely as others customer engagementŠ Že epect this net‚orŒsŠ ›ut «ust ¥„” say it is “very” to change rapidly€ ho‚ever€ as digital or “etremely” important to use social leaders are more than t‚ice as liŒely as all net‚orŒing techniues or internal others ˜‡“” versus ˆ‰”š to use second communication€ even though the Œind o ¤¢ž generation social media to boost customer rapid collaboration that occurs in social engagementŠ Ater all€ storytelling ˜M&E’s net‚orŒs is a characteristic o an agile coreš and collaborating to create uniue organiœation€ ‚here silos are broŒen do‚n ersus content ˜a Œey element o M&E’s utureš by the ready flo‚ o inormation and are inherently “socialŠ” collaborationŠ ‘ere again€ digital leaders are€ ‚ell€ leading’ ™¨” consider the use o social § ž¥ net‚orŒing or internal communication and ¨…” say the same about actively monitoring to use second eternal social net‚orŒsŠ generation social media to boost customer engagementŠ Figure 12: “n hat stage of deelopment is your company in deploying social netor‚ing to achiee your customer engagement business goals… ¤ƒll respondents¥ 60 50 44% 37% s 40 spondent30 re of 15% % 20 10 4% 0 Not deploying Studying/piloting Beginning deployment/ Second-generation first generation deployment or later Advertising and measurement Publishing and information services Social networking/social media Filmed entertainment Interactive gaming Enabling technology Broadcast and cable networks Music Average of all respondents §š
ƒoud coŠputing computing implementation across M&E Figure ˆ‰ sho‚s the no‚amiliar pattern companiesŠ ¦igital leaders€ though€ are o lo‚ adoption beyond the firstgeneration ahead o the curve’ ¨¥” say it’s important œ†ž stage or cloud computing’ less than one to host business tools in the cloud€ in five companies are deploying advanced compared ‚ith ¥“” o all othersŠ o digital leaders cloud computing or revenue optimiœationŠ This is the case even though cloud Žhile M&E companies clearly understand say it’s important to services support the Œind o inrastructure the role o technology in their vision to fleibility M&E companies reuire to be become agile organiœations€ continuously host business tools constantly iterating products and services€ iterating ne‚ products and services to in the cloudŠ and upgrading sot‚are and servicesŠ match the rapid evolution o customer Yet€ despite the significant opportunities behavior€ they have some distance to go to cloud computing oers to support mobile ully incorporate itŠ £roperly deployed€ M&E strategies€ transorm content distribution companies’ integration o big data analytics€ channels and maŒe internal inrastructure social and mobile technologies€ enabled more scalable€ adoption remains slo‚Š by cloud computing€ ‚ill allo‚ them to develop a virtuous cycle o contact€ content€ ‹eluctance to hand over control to a third personaliœation and rapid iteration that party ˜¥…”š€ lacŒ o an understanding o gro‚s the business and increases the value the cloud’s benefits ˜‰¨”š and a lacŒ o o the relationship ‚ith customers€ all in internal cloud sŒills ˜‰™”š ‚ere the “real timeŠ” topcited inhibitors to ‚idespread cloud Figure 13: “n hat stage of deelopment is your company in deploying cloud computing to achiee your reenue optimiation business goals… ¤ƒll respondents¥ 70 48% 60 50 s 40 re spondent 30 24% of % 19% 20 9% 10 0 Not deplo ying Studying/ piloting Beginning deplo ymen t/ Second-gener ation first gener ation deplo yment or lat er Ad vertising and measur emen t Publishing and in formation servic es Social networking/ social media Filmed en tertainmen t In teractiv e gaming Enabling t echnology Br oadc ast and cable ne twork s Av Music erage of all respondents §›
pportunities for technology companies pportunities for M&E companies As M&E companies adapt to a digital ‚orld€ they must Enabling technologies have created an opportunity or appreciate ho‚ mobilesocialcloud and big data analytics M&E companies to rethinŒ ho‚ they ingest inormation€ technologies impact and shape their products and share it around their organiœation and translate it into services€ organiœational structure and longterm goalsŠ products and services and distributionŠ ›ut technology ›ut M&E companies are generally reluctant to partner alone is not enough• a clear organiœational vision is ‚ith technology companies€ preerring to develop reuired to use it eectivelyŠ internal solutionsŠ ¡uestions to consider€ ¡uestions to consider€ • In ‚hat ‚ays ‚ill your organiœational model evolve • In ‚hat ‚ays can your company help M&E companies over the net ‡–‰ years® ‘ave you outlined the role develop a technology road map to implement their technology ‚ill play in realiœing your vision® digital vision® • ‘ave you prioritiœed areas or technology investment • ‘o‚ can your products and services help accelerate over the net ‡–‰ years® M&E product development and time to marŒet® • As content consumption volumes increase and • In ‚hat ‚ays can you help M&E companies turn consumer choices prolierate€ to ‚hat etent have you inormation into insight to enable them to better react challenged your business to use technology to absorb to changing customer demand and real time epectations® inormation€ generate insights and act on them® • Can you communicate the business benefits o mobile socialcloud and big data analytics to M&E customers® • ‘o‚ many ‚ays can your technology be used to help reanimate M&E clients’ eisting products and services — or create ne‚ products altogether® §œ
Creating agility and enabling a culture ›†ž o innovation o digital leaders As their businesses undergo digital transormation€ the top priority cite “creating or ™¥” o digital leaders is “creating a culture o innovation ˜‚ith a culture o collaboration tools€ innovation labs€ etcŠšŠ” It also ‚as chosen by „¥” innovation” as o all other respondents ˜see Figure ˆ¥šŠ a top strategic priority or digital transormationŠ M&E companies recogniœe that to achieve For eample€ borro‚ing the phrase “loosely the culture o innovation they desire€ they coupled” rom sot‚are architecture€ etfli must structure their organiœations or labels its o‚n organiœational approach agilityŠ M&E companies’ vision o meeting “highly aligned€ loosely coupledŠ” That highvelocity€ continuous change ‚ith a means strategy and goals are clear€ and steady stream o innovative product€ management ‚orŒs hard to ensure they service€ distribution€ marŒeting and are ‚ell articulated and broadly understoodŠ business model ideas can only be achieved ›ut tactics are eecuted ‚ith minimal through organiœational agilityŠ ƒur research crossunctional discussion or approvals€ indicates that M&E companies epect to use replaced by trust among groups€ and technology to enable agility and a culture leaders ‚ho reach out proactively or ad o innovationŠ Their goal is to breaŒ do‚n hoc coordination as appropriateŠ‰ This organiœational silos so the business can attracts topflight talent and aords ‚orŒ synergistically — and rapidly — to significant po‚er to solve problems deliver products and services that are highly ‚ithout etensive chains o command integrated and meet customer epectationsŠ that slo‚ decisionmaŒingŠ Figure 14: „hat are your strategic priorities as you digitally transform your organiation… (Select top three) Creating a culture of innovation 64% 54% Listening to customers and 57% analyzing customer interactions 48% Building alliances with media, 51% entertainment and technology partners 30% Acquiring digital skills through 33% hiring, training or acquisitions 44% Undertaking competitive analysis 28% to understand the digital activities of other companies 29% Making venture capital investments in 25% digital companies and/or technologies 29% None, we are not undergoing 4% digital transformation 4% Digital leaders All others §Ÿ
Ž„ coŠpanie e”pore di‹‹erent • Asia£acific companies ‚eighed heavily tructura approache to‚ard the central visionary¯team As companies transorm their organiœational approach ˜¥ˆ”š€ EMEA companies structures or agility and digital innovation€ chose it but less than the average ˜‰…”š they are trying out dierent approaches and Americas companies rated individual depending on the needs o their specific leaders in central roles on top ˜‰ˆ”šŠ segment or even their o‚n uniue cultureŠ Že ound no onesiœefitsall approach but o’ie•ocia•coud technoogie een a rather dierent distributions depending on critica to coa’oration and acceerated segment€ company siœe and region deciion•Šaking ˜see Figure ˆ„šŠ Among all respondents€ „™” say it is “very” or “etremely” important to “use cloud • ƒverall€ the largest plurality ˜‰‡”š computing or collaboration to enable sta avored driving digital transormation to ‚orŒ together ‚ith eternal partners on using a central visionary¯team or digital the same products and servicesŠ” Among center o ecellenceŠ digital leaders€ it ‚as chosen as “very” or • ‡ž” avored individual leaders in central “etremely” important by ¨ˆ” ˜see Figure Among digital leaders€ roles€ ‚hich ‚as the top choice or the ˆ™€ page ‡…šŠ Fityt‚o percent o all advertising€ broadcasting and technology respondents say it is important to use segments€ and tied or top among cloud technology to enable geographically œ§ž publishing respondents ˜‚ith the dispersed sta to collaborate€ as do ™ž” central visionary¯team approachšŠ o the digital leadersŠ T‚othirds o digital • ‰¥” o smaller companies ˜©‡„m–©¥““mš leaders ˜™¨”š say using social net‚orŒing say it is “very” or chose individual leaders in central rolesŠ techniues or internal communication “etremely” important • ¥ˆ” o companies rom ©„……m©“““m among employees is “very” or “etremely” chose central visionary¯team or digital important€ compared ‚ith ¥‡” o all othersŠ to use cloud computing center o ecellenceŠ And some ‰‡” o leaders use second to collaborate ‚ith • Žhile larger companies ˜above ©ˆbš also generation or later techniues in mobility rated the central visionary¯team approach to enhance employee engagement and eternal partnersŠ on top€ their ratings ‚ere distributed communication€ versus only ˆ‰” o all among all the choices seen in Figure ˆ„Š othersŠ Figure 1‚: „hich best describes ho your company dries digital transformation ¤mobilesocialcloud and big data¥ throughout the organiation… One central visionary/ 27% team or digital center of 33% 25% 41% excellence is responsible 32% 30% 27% for all digital strategies 41% 29% Individual leaders in 34% central roles oversee 22% 31% 27% digital technologies 29% 29% 24% across the organization 24% 19% Each line of business (LOB) is responsible for 18% 19% its own strategy 20% 18% 15% development around 18% 18% 20% digital technologies 19% Cross-functional teams 13% 14% work across the 17% 11% enterprise in an integral 16% 8% 11% fashion, coordinating 12% 17% individual LOB activity 3% Individual teams execute 9% 4% digital strategy within 4% 4% 13% each functional area 7% 5% 8% All respondents All respondents $25m–$499m Corporate marketing 5% Americas 3% $500m–$999m directs, manages and 4% Digital leaders 2% EMEA 2% controls our digital 3% 5% $1b–$5b strategy All others 3% Asia-Pacific 8% >$5b §¢
uch collaborative mobilesocialcloud interaction as part o product development€ “There’s a lot of discussion technologies help create an inclusive€ fleible including ™ž” o digital leadersŠ This time€ among M&E eecuties about environment and allo‚ ideas to flo‚ across the gaming segment’s emphasis ˜™™”š ‚as disruptie technology but the organiœationŠ They help eecutive leaders second to that o social media companies ultimately they must realiƒe the ‚iden lines o communication and maŒe themselves ˜¨…”š and advertising’s€ again€ them more transparent€ thus flattening ‚as lo‚est€ at ¥‡”Š alue of technology is the role it organiœational hierarchies and accelerating plays in helping them to better decisionmaŒingŠ For these reasons€ it is liŒely ›eing open to eedbacŒ rom social sere their customers.” that more companies ‚ill embrace these net‚orŒing channels helps M&E companies sorts o rapid€ conversational approaches gro‚ closer to their customers€ ‚hich can Farokh aara to deeper€ highervalue communication as help them collapse the cycle time bet‚een EME“ƒ Media & Entertainment Leader they seeŒ to create “senseandrespond” products and services€ or allo‚ them to EY organiœations that can deliver continuous change on the fly ‚hen they realiœe a product innovationŠ oering needs to be revised or rereshedŠ ƒ course€ it is the technologyinduced€ Žhile marrying big data analytics to the rapid evolution o customer behavior to large volume o data generated by social ‚hich increasingly agile M&E organiœations net‚orŒs seems a clear opportunity to gain must respondŠ ƒur research sho‚s that social customer insight that leads to competitive net‚orŒing technology has an important advantage€ M&E companies appear behind role to play on the “sense” side o the sense in this regardŠ ƒnly ˆ„” o respondents andrespond modelŠ For eample€ „‡” o all have gone beyond firstgeneration use respondents say it is “very” or “etremely” o big data analytics or product and service important to actively monitor social net‚orŒs developmentŠ ‘o‚ever€ that includes to understand customer sentiment€ including ¥ˆ” o the digital leadersŠ This suggests ¨…” o digital leadersŠ Across the segments€ increasing uture adoption o big data gaming ˜™ˆ”š emphasiœed it the most analytics by M&E companies to help provide and advertising ˜‰ž”š the leastŠ Fity the insights they need to drive innovation our percent say they use social net‚orŒ ‚ith more certainty€ and less risŒŠ Figure 16: Digital leaders leerage technology to support an innoatie culture Use second-generation cloud 43% ...use second-generation cloud 43% solutions to speed products/ solutions to speed product/ 12% services development 12% services development Use second-generation 49% ...use second-generation 49% mobile technologies to mobile technologies to 16% develop products/services 16% develop product/services Say it is important to ...use cloud computing use cloud computing 71% for collaboration to enable for collaboration to enable 71% staff to work together with staff to work together with 53% external partners on the 53% external partners on the same products and services same products/services Digital leaders All others Digital leaders All others ¨
Case studies’ developing agile organiœations Foursuare’s startup culture etfli’s fleible approach potiy’s suads and tribes More than ‰„ million people use etfli€ the video streaming service€ says “ThinŒ it€ build it€ ship it€ t‚eaŒ itŠ” That Foursuare ‚orld‚ide€ the mobile location its goal is to be “big€ ast and fleibleŠ” mantra€ together ‚ith its agilityocused sharinganddiscovery application€ to learn Indeed€ in the first uarter o ‡…ˆ‰€ organiœational structure€ has helped build about areas they are visiting€ “checŒ in” its vie‚ership eceeded that o many musicstreaming service potiy to more ‚ith riends or find deals rom merchants or conventional cable T¬ channels ‚hen than ™ million subscribers in ‡… countriesŠ restaurants in their vicinityŠ Its CEƒ€ ¦ennis subscribers streamed some ¥ billion hours ¥ Cro‚ley€ believes the company is perectly o content€ a remarŒable turnaround rom potiy rapidly releases sot‚are solutions positioned to become the locationdata a very public ‡…ˆˆ misstep ‚hen it uicŒly it improves iteratively thereaterŠ Its ocus platorm o choice or the internetŠ lost ž……€……… customers ater a poorly on rapidfire development influences not communicated attempt to separate video only ho‚ it designs and releases products€ The mobile ‚orld changes rapidly€ streaming rom ¦¬¦ rental servicesŠ but also ho‚ it organiœes its ‚orŒorceŠ The ho‚ever€ and Cro‚ley is determined to basic ‚orŒ unit at potiy is the “suad” — Œeep Foursuare’s startup eel€ even as the Most small companies inevitably become a selorganiœing team ‚hose members head count has gro‚n rom «ust a handul o bureaucratic and hierarchical as they gro‚ have autonomy to design€ develop€ test employees to more than ˆ™…Š ‘is eecutive largerŠ etfli€ by contrast€ aspires to gro‚ and release productsŠ Members o a suad management committee consists o «ust ast ‚ithout becoming comple or chaotic€ sit in the same ofice€ and «ointly decide ho‚ five peopleŠ according to company eecutivesŠ In act€ they ‚ill ulfill their specific missionŠ A the company’s recruitment materials note suad doesn’t have a ormally appointed “A lot o the ‚orŒ ‚e do is consensus that it doesn’t ‚ant to hire “«erŒs” but high leaderŠ It does have a product o‚ner ‚ho driven€” he eplainsŠ “Že’ll taŒe the ˆ… perorming individuals ‚ho don’t “‚ait to be is responsible or prioritiœing the ‚orŒ — smartest people on mobile and asŒ€ ‘ hould told ‚hat to do€” and ‚ill also “picŒ up the but not ho‚ the ‚orŒ is doneŠ ‚e do this or not®’” I a Œey decision trash lying on the floorŠ” reuires a tiebreaŒer€ then an inperson To help identiy impediments and improve meeting taŒes placeŠ “There is no CTƒ that Instead o creating lots o rules and their development methods€ suads also is maŒing the call€” Cro‚ley saysŠ “A lot hierarchy€ it believes in trusting its people meet regularly ‚ith an “agility coachŠ” o times these guys ‚ill duŒe it out€ and i to maŒe their o‚n decisionsŠ “Že have “Autonomy is one o our guiding principles€” the argument goes on longer than a couple a very nonhierarchical approach that eplains ‘enriŒ ²niberg€ an agility coach at o days€ then I’ll step in and maŒe the stresses reedom and responsibility€” potiyŠ “Že aim or independent suads decisionŠ” eplains °onathan Friedland€ Chie that can build and release products on Communications ƒficer and a member o their o‚n ‚ithout having to be tightly ‘is company€ he says€ doesn’t have time or the etfli eecutive committeeŠ Eecutives coordinatedŠ” ³uarterly audits o its teams ormal committee meetingsŠ “Everyone is spend a lot o time “maŒing sure everybody identiy ‚hich suads are ‚orŒing ‚ell€ and ‚eighing in on these critical decisions all the has the right contet to orge ahead ‚ith ‚hich might reuire additional supportŠ time€” he says€ “because ‚e’re maŒing ‡„ ‚hat they’re doing” by laying out specific o them every single dayŠ” strategic goals and timetables€ but ‚ithout To coordinate ‚ithin the company€ suads micromanaging or asserting controlŠ In are aligned into “tribes” that meet to share ‘e also believes small€ innovative essence€ the company tells its sta that inormation and identiy development companies liŒe his need to rely on their over the long run€ fleibility is ŒeyŠ roadblocŒsŠ The number o ‚orŒers o‚n “gut instincts” in order to maintain belonging to a tribe is held at about ˆ……Š their momentumŠ ›uilding a technology Žhat does that mean in practice® There In addition€ potiy organiœes its employees inrastructure is the “easy part€ and are no limits on vacation or sicŒ days at into “guilds” and “chapters” to support assembling the user base and getting etfliŠ o one tells ‚orŒers ‚hen to come crosstribe Œno‚ledge sharingŠ something that people are passionate and go€ or clocŒs ‚hen they doŠ ›ut doing about and really eel strongly about€ ›level ‚orŒ ‚ill liŒely earn you a severance uads are told to release products “early that’s the part that is really dificultŠ” pacŒageŠ ˜Indeed the annual attrition is and otenŠ” ‹ather than distribute “perect” a chilling ‡…”Šš Alevel ‚orŒ results in more upgrades or ne‚ services€ potiy ocuses The shared goal is to maŒe each individual money and responsibilityŠ instead on achieving simple results that customer eperience a uniue and personal can be subseuently perectedŠ Leaders one and to maintain a strong bond ‚ith The company calls this strategy “‘ighly establish a “minimum viable product” or each customerŠ Aligned€ Loosely CoupledŠ Each o us is each product or upgrade being released responsible or our o‚n particular areas€” then gather customer eedbacŒ to Friedland eplainedŠ “I ‚e do a good «ob iteratively improve itŠ ›y testing€ t‚eaŒing on it€ ‚e Œeep our «obsŠ I ‚e don’t€ ‚e and releasing constant upgrades€ potiy get firedŠ” epects to remain agile and continuously „ improve the customer eperienceŠ §
pportunities for technology companies pportunities for M&E companies As M&E companies drive to create a culture o Creating an innovative culture reuires balancing core innovation€ they must embrace collaborative decisionmaŒing ‚ith empo‚erment o individuals€ teams technologies€ accelerate internal decisionmaŒing and communities ‚ithin an organiœationŠ It necessitates and speed deployment o digital contentŠ a move a‚ay rom traditional silos to communities o interest based around specific products and services ¡uestions to consider€ or customer groups that come together to achieve • Is your company positioned as an industry innovator® shared goalsŠ • ‘o‚ can your solutions oer M&E companies the speed and fleibility they ‚ill demand to rapidly innovate their ¡uestions to consider€ organiœations® • Žho creates your digital vision€ ‚ho “o‚ns” it and ho‚ • In ‚hat ‚ays does your company support the is it shared around the company® To ‚hat etent does numerous approaches to digital innovation ound it balance centraliœed decisionmaŒing ‚ith unit or across the M&E sector® teambased entrepreneurialism® • ‘o‚ do your oerings help M&E companies to ensure • ‘o‚ eectively does your company utiliœe technology their internal processes are adaptive® to collaborate® Is technology in place to enable easy inormation sharing and rapid convening o groups€ particularly across team and silo boundaries® • ‘o‚ do you attempt to uture proo your digital strategy and investments in technology so that they can evolve and adapt as your company responds to the customer and marŒet®
Competing or people and sŒills in a astchanging environment Žhen it comes to the people and sŒills challenge acing M&E companies€ our survey data is clear’ there’s a siœable gap bet‚een the level o “ ‰igital leaders are fully eploiting technology sŒills companies reuire and those they possessŠ ›ut this is the fleibility€ speed and cost not big ne‚sŠ Ater all€ ¥‰” o all survey respondents ranŒed “acuiring benefits of cloud computing to digital sŒills” as a top strategic priority• the only strategies that surpassed create real agility adantages it ‚ere “creating a culture o innovation” and “listening to customersŠ” for their M&E companies.” e” ender ‘o‚ever€ ‚idespread recognition o this ƒ note€ the competition or talent is liŒely „est Žegion Technology “ndustry Leader challenge does not diminish itŠ Že believe to ‚orsen in the short term€ as more EY many M&E business opportunities ‚ill be companies vie or the same people and ‚on or lost based on companies’ ability to the lines bet‚een M&E and technology hire the right talent and — «ust as critically — companies continue to blurŠ At £andora€ to put it to ‚orŒ in the right environmentŠ Founder and C ƒ Žestergren agrees that † ž In both cases€ the Œey‚ord or M&E recruiting ne‚ talent or Œey technical «obs companies is changeŠ They must realign “is one o the biggest challenges right no‚€” o all respondents cite the sŒills profiles o their people€ they must especially as his company€ headuartered reimagine their organiœational structure near ilicon ¬alley€ must regularly “acuiring digital sŒills” and culture ˜as discussed in the section on compete or talent ‚ith highprofile as a top strategic culture o innovation€ page ˆžš and they technology companies and the plethora must rethinŒ their hiring and retention o startups continuously emerging thereŠ priority or digital strategies to ad«ust or more intensive Companies must ‚eigh the advantages and transormationŠ competitionŠ disadvantages that come rom locating near a talent hub such as ilicon ¬alleyŠ Figure 1Œ: ©ercent of each industry segment e‡pressing “lac‚ of s‚ills” as a ‚ey obstacle to “buildªmaintain” cloud computing systemsˆ¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ Advertising and 42% measurement Filmed entertainment 42% Music 42% Interactive gaming 39% Social networking/ 37% social media Enabling technology 34% Broadcast and 25% cable networks Publishing and 25% information services ¡£ercentages sho‚n are o all respondents in each industry segment ‚ho chose “LacŒ o sŒills to build¯maintain cloudcomputing systems” as their first€ second or third top obstacleŠ
Eacerbating the issue€ certain technology o responses is that the sta o many M&E companies are driving technologyenabled companies simply don’t Œno‚ ho‚ to distill transormationŠ everal technology insight rom the data they’re gettingŠ ›†ž companies€ or eample€ are developing original content o their o‚n or ostering imilarly€ some ‰™” o all respondents o all respondents content development rom third parties€ say they lacŒ the sŒills to build or maintain putting them into competition or creative€ cloudbased computing systemsŠ As rely on inhouse sŒills as ‚ell as technical€ talentŠ Figure ˆ¨ ˜see page ‡‰š sho‚s€ this percentage is even higher or advertising€ to analyœe dataŠ ƒverall€ M&E eecutives must identiy sŒill music€ film and gaming companies€ ‚hose deficits and determine ho‚ best to move digital transormations oten reuire cloud resources into the right areas in a ‚ay that technology to improve agility and respond is timely and eficientŠ Among the gaps more rapidly to changes in customer yet€ †§ž indicated by all survey respondents is one behaviorŠ in big data analyticsŠ For eample€ ™¥” say they rely on inhouse sŒills to analyœe Clearly understanding the opportunities o all respondents data but a surprisingly high ¥ˆ” also say specific technologies oer and ho‚ they have yet to gain they have not yet obtained insight rom can be used most eectively is imperative the analysis o customer dataŠ For music as M&E companies generate a road map or customer insight companies€ the figure rises to „‰” ˜see determining ‚hich sŒills need to be brought rom their data Figure ˆžšŠ Among the many possible into the organiœation and in ‚hat priorityŠ conclusions to dra‚ rom this «utaposition analysisŠ Figure 18: ©ercent of each industry segment stating they are not yet obtaining insight from the analysis of customer dataˆ¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ Music 53% Social networking/ 43% social media Interactive gaming 42% Advertising and 41% measurement Filmed entertainment 41% Broadcast and 38% cable networks Enabling technology 35% Publishing and 35% information services ¡£ercentages sho‚n are o all respondents in each industry segment ‚ho chose “agree” or “strongly agree” ‚hen asŒed to rate their agreement ‚ith this statement on a ˆ–„ scaleŠ †
pportunities for technology companies pportunities for M&E companies M&E companies need to acuire ne‚ technology sŒills as Many o the creative sŒills reuired in M&E remain ‚ell as “ne‚ media” sŒillsŠ Technology companies oten unchanged — but the impact o technology cannot be ocus on developing the most advanced and sophisticated underestimatedŠ Technologyenabled innovation has tools to solve emerging issues but may not match the changed the M&E business system€ rom understanding the solutions they’re oering to the sŒills and capabilities o customer to creating€ curating and distributing contentŠ their M&E clientsŠ ›y necessity€ the sŒills profile ‚ithin M&E companies is evolvingŠ ¡uestions to consider€ • ¦oes your company have the right balance o technical ¡uestions to consider€ sŒill and industry understanding to eectively implement • ‘o‚ do you balance the creative needs o your M&E or integrate digital technologies or M&E clients® company ‚ith the technical sŒills reuired to master • In ‚hat ‚ays can your company help identiy technical ne‚ technologies® ‘o‚ do you identiy sŒills gaps and sŒills gaps or M&E clients and oer the right level o then build capabilities or evolve the sŒills profile® complementary epertise® • An increasing proportion o your ‚orŒorce ˜«ust liŒe • ¦oes your company understand the sŒills obstacles M&E your customersš is tech savvy — ‚ell versed in social€ companies must address to taŒe advantage o the latest mobile€ search and other technologiesŠ ‘o‚ does your technologies and tools® Žhat roles can you play to organiœation and its technology strategy cater to and mitigate these and bridge the gaps® taŒe advantage o this gro‚ing resource® • ¦oes your company oer M&E companies enough guidance and training so they can achieve the best perormance rom the tools and systems delivered to them® š
Enabling technology tools or “ †gile M&E companies are agile organiœations using mobile-social-cloud and big data analytics technologies to sere As companies rapidly rethinŒ their organiœational structure to become customers in new ways more agile€ they must also reimagine their company’s underlying and to pull away from technology inrastructure to support greater speed and fleibilityŠ competitors that respond slowly.” aid Nicho M&E companies are concerned ‚ith three “Žhy€ ater ‚e ‚ent through the ‘ impsons€’ ƒmericas “T types o technology inrastructure’ ront did ‚e go through the same problems ‚ith Transformation ©ractice Leader ofice€ bacŒ end and bacŒ oficeŠ Frontofice ‘ imCity®’” asŒs EA’s icŒ Earl€ rhetoricallyŠ EY systems support the ull range o interactive The problems€ he says€ reflected specific customer touch points and ‚ill be eplored but distinct inrastructure issues around in a uture report in this seriesŠ ›acŒend putting games online or either £C or mobile systems enable products and services platormsŠ As a result€ he says€ EA has and include technology such as sot‚are “changed the state o readiness” it demands development tools€ content management o its bacŒend servers ‚hen it launches systems and digital rights managementŠ ne‚€ live gamesŠ ›acŒofice systems enable company operations and include enterprise resource Foursuare€ mean‚hile€ decided to planning ˜E‹£š€ supply chain management launch its service on a cloudbased bacŒ ˜ CMš and customer relationship end€ as do many startupsŠ The launch management ˜C‹MšŠ Mobilesocialcloud used Amaœon Žeb ervices€ but eventually and big data analytics technologies have the company built its o‚n data centerŠ roles to play or both bacŒend and bacŒ “Everyone builds their stu on Amaœon at ofice systemsŠ the beginning€” says Foursuare’s Cro‚leyŠ “›ecause i you need to scale it up really ack•end technoogy yteŠ uicŒly€ you «ust thro‚ some more money As already discussed€ or eample€ at them every month and suddenly you have leading M&E companies are using all o itŠ” ƒnce the company reaches a certain these technologies to help them rapidly siœe€ ho‚ever€ “it’s cheaper to build out your “sense and respond” to changing audience o‚n data centersŠ” preerences and behavior patternsŠ The cloud€ or instance€ has become a proven Žhile Cro‚ley may be right in saying solution or managing the launch o ne‚ that every ne‚ startup uses the cloud or content oerings — maŒing it easier and bacŒend systems€ our research sho‚s more eficient to manage demandŠ that established M&E companies are not universally convincedŠ For eample€ ‡¥” o Electronic Arts ˜EAš learned this the survey respondents are still studying and hard ‚ay€ ‚hen its March ‡…ˆ‰ release piloting their use o cloud or product and o the highly anticipated online version service development€ „¥” are in the process o “ imCity” resulted in multiple crashed o their first deployments and «ust ˆ™” have servers and thousands o angry customersŠ gone on to secondgeneration deploymentsŠ EA underestimated the inrastructure that Further€ „” aren’t considering it ˜see Figure ‚ould be needed to support the game’s ˆ“€ page ‡¨šŠ immediate rush o ansŠ More embarrassing ‚as that the incident tooŒ place less than a year ater the similarly unortunate roll out o a ree mobile game€ “The impson’s’ Tapped ƒut€” ‚hich crashed the company’s servers and caused users’ data and game progress to be erasedŠ ›
‹esponses to the similar uestion about gain insight rom the increasing volume€ using big data analytics or product and velocity and variety o data they no‚ have “ Today’s digital consumer service development are comparable€ but at their fingertipsŠ looks for the content they sŒe‚ed to‚ard even less usage’ ¨” are not want€ when they want it considering it€ ‰‰” are still studying and Certain M&E companies€ ho‚ever€ have built and on whateer deice is piloting€ ¥„” are in the process o initial their business model on big data analyticsŠ deployments and only ˆ„” have moved ´ynga€ ‚hich oers ree games through most conenient. † digital on to secondgeneration deploymentŠ The its o‚n ‚ebsite and FacebooŒ€ IncŠ’s social organiƒation must not only obstacles respondents cite are basic ones’ net‚orŒ€ studies data on audience behavior respond to such shifts in topping the list ‚as ensuring data accuracy patterns to determine ho‚ to lengthen user behaior and demand€ it and reliability ˜¥…”š€ ollo‚ed by delivering playing times€ encourage recommendations the right data to the right people at the to riends and increase sales o virtual must anticipate them.” right time ˜‰¥”š€ determining ‹ƒI ˜‰ˆ”š goodsŠ As one eecutive told The Œall …treet and lacŒing data analysis sŒills and tools Žournal€ “Že’re an analytics company –ein Price ˜‡™”šŠ This highlights the challenges M&E ™ Global Technology “ndustry masuerading as a games companyŠ” companies are eperiencing as they try to ƒdisory Serices Leader EY Figure 19: “n hat stage of deelopment is your company in deploying cloud computing to achiee your product and serice deelopment business goals… ¤ƒll respondents¥ 70 54% 60 †¨ž 50 s o all respondents cite 40 24% data accuracy and spondent re 30 of reliability as the biggest % 16% 20 obstacle to their big 5% 10 data analytics goalsŠ 0 Not deploying Studying/piloting Beginning deployment/ Second-generation first generation deployment or later Advertising and measurement Publishing and information services Social networking/social media Filmed entertainment Interactive gaming Enabling technology Broadcast and cable networks Music Average of all respondents ote’ percentages do not total ˆ…… due to roundingŠ œ
†echnoogy in the ’ack o‹fice imilarly€ „„” say they provide employees Mean‚hile€ bacŒofice systems such as access to systems€ applications and E‹£€ CM and C‹M must also become more net‚orŒs over mobile devices€ leaving †¨ž fleible to support agile M&E organiœationsŠ ¥„” that are not yet using mobility as an ƒur survey indicates that M&E companies eective internal toolŠ Gaming and music o all respondents currently place a high value on o‚ning and companies are ahead o the curve here€ controlling their technology inrastructure along ‚ith publishing companies ˜see Figure say un‚illingness to — yet they might achieve their goals more ‡ˆ€ page ‡“šŠ rapidly i they partnered ‚ith trusted relinuish IT control technology providersŠ In terms o social media€ «ust ¥„” o is an obstacle to respondents say it is “very” or “etremely” For eample€ „‡” o all respondents say it is important to use the technology or internal cloud useŠ “very” or “etremely” important that their collaboration and sharing€ leaving „„” business tools and sot‚are are hosted in that do notŠ aturally€ social net‚orŒing the cloud — leaving ¥ž” that are not companies ˜™¨”š are ahead o the curve ˜see Figure ‡…šŠ The top obstacle€ cited by here€ as are gaming companies ˜„‡”š• ¥…” o respondents€ ‚as un‚illingness to ‚hile film ˜‰“”š and the advertising relinuish control o IT inrastructureŠ ›ut industry ˜‡ž”š lagŠ Asian companies have ‰¨” also said they don’t even understand proven themselves to be uicŒer adapters€ the benefits cloud technology can oer€ ‰™” ho‚ever€ as „ˆ” o Asia£acific firms use lacŒ cloud sŒills€ and others are concerned social net‚orŒing€ compared ‚ith ‰¨” ‚ith an inability to customiœe cloud services o companies in EMEA and ¥™” in the ˜‡ž”š or figure out ‚hat sot‚are to host AmericasŠ ocial net‚orŒing may prove in the cloud ˜‡ž”š€ among other concernsŠ to be a particularly valuable internal This suggests that M&E eecutives may technology or advancing M&E companies’ ‚ant to urther eplore ho‚ maŒing bacŒ organiœational agility€ as it enables ofice systems accessible through the cloud “communities o interest” to orm around could help enable greater fleibilityŠ important conversations€ cutting across geographies and corporate silosŠ Figure 2“: „hat are the biggest obstacles to achieing your cloud computing goals…¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ (Rank the top three) It is “very” or “extremely” important that our organization’s 52% business tools and software are hosted in the cloud But there are several obstacles: Unwillingness to relinquish direct control of our IT infrastructure 40% Lack of understanding of the benefits of cloud computing 37% Lack of skills to build/maintain cloud-computing systems 36% Concerns about resiliency of cloud-based systems (i.e., downtime) 34% Determining ROI of cloud computing efforts 33% Inability to customize the solution to fit our needs 28% Determining what content, software and processes should be enabled in the cloud 28% Concern over information security/privacy issues in the cloud 28% Concern over losing control of our intellectual property 20% Finding ways to monetize cloud computing 11% £ercentages sho‚n or cloud hosting represent all respondents ‚ho chose “very” or “etremely” important• percentages sho‚n or obstacles represent respondents ‚ho ranŒed each choice first€ second or thirdŠ Ÿ
For every technology ‚e asŒed about€ Figure 21: „e proide access to company netor‚s or information ¤beyond email¥ ia the most preerred approach that M&E mobile deices to enhance our employees’ ability to do their «obsˆ¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ companies use to access the technology ‚as to build it themselvesŠ ‘o‚ever€ Interactive gaming not all such systems provide the Œind o 63% dierentiating value that merits such a customiœed€ proprietary development Music 61% eort ˜as opposed to a standardiœed Publishing and cloudbased solution€ or eamplešŠ information services 58% And€ given the ne‚ness o certain technologies and their current state o Enabling technology 56% rapid evolution€ M&E companies may create more value by partnering ‚ith Filmed entertainment 55% technology companies to leverage those Social networking/ companies’ Œno‚ledge and sŒillsŠ In act€ social media 52% i you looŒ bacŒ to Figure ˆ¥ on page Broadcast and ˆž€ you’ll see that’s ‚hat digital leaders cable networks 50% do’ „ˆ” have it as a strategic priority to build alliances ‚ith technology ˜and Advertising and 45% measurement other M&Eš partners€ compared ‚ith ‰…” o all othersŠ All respondents ¡£ercentages sho‚n are o respondents in each industry segment ‚ho chose “very” or “etremely” important ‚hen asŒed to rate the importance o this statement to their organiœation on a ˆ–„ scaleŠ ƒther‚ise€ given the sŒills issue previously discussed€ M&E companies could find themselves building secondrate solutions• or€ as business Figure 22: „hat is your company’s preferred approach for gaining access to the reuirements evolve rapidly€ companies folloing digital technologies…¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ may be stucŒ ‚ith proprietary legacy (Select one approach or each technology) systems that cannot meet today’s needsŠ Although actual needs ‚ill vary significantly by segment and place in 31% Build/grow within the 31% 34% Build/grow within the 34% 40% the value chain€ in general€ reducing organization 40% resistance to technology alliances may organization 41% 41% ‚ell be a necessary step many M&E 27% companies must taŒe in order to become Buy/acquire 27% 33% Buy/acquire 21% 33% agile organiœations ˜see Figure ‡‡šŠ 21% 24% 24% 26% Lease/pay for use 18% 26% Lease/pay for use 18% 23% 13% 23% 13% 16% 16% Partnerships/alliances 14% 14% Partnerships/alliances 16% 16% 23% 23% Social networking Mobile technology Cloud computing Big data Social networking Mobile technology Cloud computing Big data ¡£ercentages sho‚n are or all respondents• total or each technology may not sum to ˆ…… due to roundingŠ ¢
pportunities for technology companies pportunities for M&E companies Žhen it comes to technology inrastructure€ M&E The maturity and scale o M&E companies help shape companies still largely preer a “command and control” their technology strategyŠ Žhen to invest and ‚ho to philosophyŠ ›ut our data suggests most M&E companies partner ‚ith are critical uestionsŠ don’t have the sŒills necessary to manage all o the technology reuired to enable their agilityŠ ¡uestions to consider€ • Is o‚nership the right option® Žhat actors are ¡uestions to consider€ influencing your decision to o‚n versus outsource€ and • In ‚hat ‚ays can your company help M&E companies ho‚ do you thinŒ about this at dierent stages in your integrate customeracing applications ‚ith bacŒend company’s evolution and or dierent parts o your systems to increase organiœational agility® company’s technology inrastructure® • ‘o‚ can you help M&E companies develop and eecute • Is there an eective balance among the investments a comprehensive big data analytics strategy® being made in technology or the ront ofice€ bacŒ • Is your company able to communicate the business ofice and the bacŒ end€ and ho‚ do you thinŒ about benefits o sourcing M&E companies’ data and bacŒ these dierently® ofice technologies® • To ‚hat etent do you ‚orŒ ‚ith your technology • ‘o‚ can you help M&E clients understand the benefits partners to better understand opportunities and risŒs® o partnering — and build the necessary trust® ¦o you eel suficiently inormed about the technology • Žhat are the best ‚ays your technology can help M&E choices available in the marŒet and their impact on your companies improve internal collaboration® business® • To ‚hat etent do you consider ‚here technologybased dierentiation can have the highest impact on your business® Žill suggesting standardiœed solutions sufice€ ‚here little dierentiation is possible® ¨
ƒutlooŒ “nsights from our ƒgility “nde‡ ur †gility nde ranks the relatie organiƒational I ‚e taŒe the long vie‚€ media has al‚ays evolved in partnership agility of different M&E ‚ith the leading edge o technologyŠ And their partnership has al‚ays segments as well as enabling changed societyŠ ThinŒ ˆ¥¥… and the printing press• thinŒ about technology and digital leaders. the advent o television in the middle o the last century and the The aerage score of all subseuent rise o popular cultureŠ respondents is indeed to ‘’’. “or eample€ a score Žhat’s ne‚ and proound today is an and systems€ people and processesŠ of ‘‘’ denotes performance etraordinarily ast pace o change enabled The uture belongs to the nimbleŠ Žinning ‘’” aboe aerage• –’ is by t‚o characteristics o modern broadband M&E companies ‚ill be those that best ‘’” below aerage. net‚orŒs’ they connect us all at the speed leverage audience analytics across channels€ o light ˜no matter ‚here ‚e goš and anticipate emerging trends€ identiy they are interactiveŠ The ormer leads to synergies across lines o business and uicŒly the “anytime€ any‚here” reuirement or deploy the most eective responsesŠ content ubiuity and content curation€ to ensure the right content meets the right To better understand ‚hich companies audiences€ ‚hen and ‚here they ‚ish itŠ and sectors meet that agility test€ ‚e The latter empo‚ers the audiences that reanalyœed our survey data to develop comprise popular culture to talŒ bacŒ to an Agility IndeŠ It’s based on a subset o their media providers€ both eplicitly in€ survey uestions that bear on a company’s or eample€ social media and implicitly agility€ and is ‚eighted in avor o ans‚ers through the big data “ehaust” generated that demonstrate agile behaviorsŠ For by all their digital interactionsŠ eample€ ans‚ers such as “creating a culture o innovation€” “analyœing customer From these simple initial conditions€ interactions” or “building alliances” ‚ith mobilesocialcloud and big data analytics M&E and technology partners ‚ere heavily technologies are spinning out ne‚ digital ‚eightedŠ “Getting to marŒet aster ‚ith M&E possibilities that are changing media ne‚ or evolved products and services ‚as consumers’ habits€ preerences and€ ‚eighted” as a Œey gro‚th driverŠ In all€ ‚e ultimately€ demands at a diœœying paceŠ actored together ans‚ers to ˆ™ uestionsŠ This report maŒes the case that in order to For clarity€ ‚e indeed the average score o anticipate ne‚ directions in this accelerating all respondents to ˆ……Š Thereore€ a score o M&E evolution€ and get out in ront o ˆˆ…€ or eample€ denotes perormance ˆ…” changing customer behavior€ M&E companies above average• “… is ˆ…” belo‚ average• must become etremely agile organiœations€ and so onŠ enabled by the right technologies€ structure §
€here doe Applying our methodology to the eight As a reminder€ ‚e defined digital leaders industry segments surveyed€ ‚e ound that’ by three characteristics’ your coŠpany • Interactive gaming ˜ˆˆ¨š and social • They’re already generating more than core on the net‚orŒing ˜ˆ…“š segments indeed hal their revenue rom digital products as most agileŠ and servicesŠ giity ™nde”˜ • Advertising and measurement ˜ž‰š and • They’ve integrated customer data across publishing and inormation services ˜“¥š at least t‚o channelsŠ ˜see Figure ‡‰š ‚ere least agileŠ • They’ve deployed secondgeneration or later solutions o at least t‚o o our Œey This finding is consistent ‚ith the ma«or technologies ˜smart mobility€ cloud dislocations aecting media industriesŠ computing€ social media or big data re you prepared to Gaming companies€ or instance€ have been analyticsš or product development orced to move rapidly to embrace the or revenue generationŠ ’e a digita eader˜ rising popularity o first social€ then mobile games€ ‚hich represent ma«or distribution Given their ˆ‡“ score on the Agility Inde€ • and business models shitsŠ it appears that the leaders’ greater Žhat is your agility vision® technology eperience has oered them a • In addition€ ‚e ound’ clear vision o the digital uture this report ‘o‚ do you plan to describes€ in ‚hich a continuous stream o implement and continuously • Asia£acific ˜ˆ…“š companies indeed innovative ne‚ products and services reresh that vision higher than those in orth America ˜“¨š is necessary to meet astchanging throughout your organiœation® or EMEA ˜“¥šŠ customer behaviorŠ • Midsiœe companies ˜©„……m–©“““mš • ‘o‚ prepared are you to indeed higher€ at ˆ…“€ than small ˜“‰š They also appear to have seen€ and acted identiy and compete or the or big ˜““š companiesŠ on€ the reuirement or organiœational people and sŒill sets you • And digital leaders indeed highest o all’ agility to overcome the challenges o that need to ecel in a digital this ™“company subset scored ˆ‡“€ astmoving utureŠ compared ‚ith “™ or the more than ¥ž… environment® other respondentsŠ And they are more advanced in terms o using technologies such as social media • ‘ave you invested in and the cloud to create an internal culture enabling technology tools around collaboration€ and in using enabling that allo‚ you to anticipate technology tools to create fleibility in their and respond to customer and bacŒend and bacŒofice inrastructureŠ marŒet changes uicŒly Figure 23: ƒgility “nde‡ by M&E segments‰ enabling technology and digital leaders and confidently® Digital leaders 129 Interactive gaming 117 The ™“ digital leaders ranŒed Social networking/social media 109 Music 101 ¢ž Enabling technology 101 more agile than the Filmed entertainment 100 study averageŠ Broadcast and cable networks 96 Publishing and information services 94 Advertising and measurement 83 ource’ EY analysis€ ‡…ˆ‰Š
AcŒno‚ledgments First and oremost ‚e ‚ant to thanŒ the media and entertainment and technology eecutives rom around the ‚orld ‚ho participated in our survey — thereby providing us ‚ith such a rich data setŠ LiŒe‚ise€ ‚e are grateul to the eecutives intervie‚ed€ or providing us ‚ith added insights and eamples to bring the story to lieŠ And finally€ ‚e ‚ant to acŒno‚ledge those ‚ho ‚orŒed diligently to analyœe the survey results and produce this report€ ‚hich ‚as developed ‚ith the support€ Œno‚ledge and insights rom sta members rom around our firm and ƒord EconomicsŠ Source notes ˆ “etfli subscriber Losses Evidence o Lo‚ ƒTT ¥ “etfli hares urge Above ©‡…… on trong Threat€” ›usiness Žire€ ‡™ ƒctober ‡…ˆˆ€ via Factiva€ ubscriber Gro‚th” The Œall …treet Žournal nline€ © ‡…ˆˆ ›usiness ŽireŠ ‡‰ April ‡…ˆ‰€ via Factiva€ © ‡…ˆ‰ ¦o‚ °ones ‡ “etfli hares urge Above ©‡…… on trong & Company€ IncŠ ubscriber Gro‚th€” The Œall …treet Žournal nline€ „ “ caling Agile at potiy’ An intervie‚ ‚ith ‘enriŒ ‡‰ April ‡…ˆ‰€ via Factiva€ © ‡…ˆ‰ ¦o‚ °ones & ²niberg€” InogŠcomŠ “ April ‡…ˆ‰Š Company€ IncŠ ™ “¬irtual £roducts€ ‹eal £rofits• £layers pend on ‰ “‘astings€ ‹eed• etfli Culture’ Freedom & ´ynga’s Games€ but ³uality Turns ome ƒ€” The ‹esponsibility€” posted ˆ August ‡……“€ © ‡…ˆ‰ Œall …treet Žournal nline€ “ eptember ‡…ˆˆ€ lide hare IncŠ via Factiva€ © ‡…ˆˆ ¦o‚ °ones & Company€ IncŠ ote’ uotes throughout our report are rom eecutive intervie‚s conducted by ƒord EconomicsŠ
Global Technology Center Œey contacts †eephone „Šai Global Technology Center contacts ©at £ye‚‰ Global Technology Industry Leader ˜ an °ose€ § š š1 4“8 94Œ ‚6“8 pat.hyekœey.coŠ Guy „anger‰ ¦eputy & Americas Technology Industry Leader ˜‹ed‚ood hores€ § š š1 6‚“ 8“2 468Œ guy.ˆangerœey.coŠ ”oe Tsang‰ Asia£acific Technology Industry Leader ˜›ei«ing€ Chinaš š86 1“ ‚81‚ 29“2 žoe.tangœcn.ey.coŠ Yuichiro Muna‚ata‰ °apan Technology Industry Leader ˜ToŒyo€ °apanš š81 3 3‚“3 11““ Šunakata•ychrœhinnihon.or.žp Global technology serice line leaders Channing ’lynn‰ Ta ˜ an °ose€ § š š1 4“8 94Œ ‚434 channing.flynnœey.coŠ —ein ©rice‰ Advisory ˜ an Francisco€ § š š1 41‚ 894 8229 kein.priceœey.coŠ ”oe Steger‰ Transaction Advisory ervices ˜ an °ose€ § š š1 4“8 94Œ ‚488 žoeph.tegerœey.coŠ Guy „anger‰ Assurance ˜‹ed‚ood hores€ § š š1 6‚“ 8“2 468Œ guy.ˆangerœey.coŠ Global and regional leaders ƒle‡ ‘ender‰ Žest ‹egion Technology Industry Leader ˜ an Francisco€ § š š1 41‚ 894 8Œ“9 ae”.’enderœey.coŠ Marios Damianides‰ ortheast Technology Advisory Leader ˜e‚ YorŒ€ § š š1 212 ŒŒ3 ‚ŒŒ6 Šario.daŠianideœey.coŠ ”eff Liu‰ § Technology M&A Advisory ˜ an °ose€ § š š1 4“8 94Œ ‚‚88 že‹‹rey.iuœey.coŠ Daid •ichols‰ Americas IT Transormation £ractice Leader ˜Chicago€ § š š1 312 8Œ9 2Œ1Œ daid.nichoœey.coŠ EY —noledge — Technology Michael ©if‚o‰ Technology Lead Analyst ˜Chicago€ § š š1 312 8Œ9 2““4 Šichae.pi‹koœey.coŠ Žobert DeMaine‰ Technology Analyst ˜e‚ YorŒ€ § š š1 212 ŒŒ3 91Œ8 ro’ert.deŠaineœey.coŠ †
Global Media & Entertainment Center Œey contacts †eephone „Šai Global M&E Center contacts ”ohn •endic‚‰ Global M&E Leader and Americas M&E Leader ˜Los Angeles€ § š š1 213 9ŒŒ 3188 žohn.nendickœey.coŠ ’aro‚h ‘alsara‰ EMEIA M&E Leader ˜Mumbai€ Indiaš š91 22 6192 “28“ ‹arokh.’aaraœin.ey.coŠ Daid McGregor‰ Asia£acific M&E Leader ˜Melbourne€ Australiaš š61 3 9288 8491 daid.Šcgregorœau.ey.coŠ Yuichiro Muna‚ata‰ °apan M&E Leader ˜ToŒyo€ °apanš š81 3 3‚“3 11““ Šunakata•ychrœhinnihon.or.žp Global M&E serice line leaders Mar‚ ”ˆ ‘orao€ Global M&E Advisory ervices Leader ˜Los Angeles€ § š š1 213 9ŒŒ 3633 Šark.’oraoœey.coŠ Thomas ”ˆ Connolly‰ Global M&E Transaction Advisory ervices Leader š1 212 ŒŒ3 Œ146 toŠ.connoyœey.coŠ and E A M&E Leader ˜e‚ YorŒ€ § š “an Eddleston‰ Global and Americas M&E Assurance Leader š1 213 9ŒŒ 33“4 ian.eddetonœey.coŠ and Žest ubArea M&E Leader ˜Los Angeles€ § š ƒlan Luchs‰ Global M&E Ta Leader ˜e‚ YorŒ€ § š š1 212 ŒŒ3 438“ aan.uchœey.coŠ Global and regional leaders £oard ‘ass‰ E A M&E Advisory ervices Leader ˜e‚ YorŒ€ § š š1 212 ŒŒ3 4841 hoˆard.’aœey.coŠ Mar‚ ‘esca‰ e‚ YorŒ City ƒfice Managing £artner ˜e‚ YorŒ€ § š š1 212 ŒŒ3 3423 Šark.’ecaœey.coŠ Glenn ‘urr‰ ˜Los Angeles€ § š š1 213 9ŒŒ 33Œ8 genn.’urrœey.coŠ ©eter Y’ Chan‰ Greater China M&E Leader ˜‘ong ²ong€ Chinaš š8‚2 2846 9936 Peter•y‹.chanœhk.ey.coŠ •eal Clarance‰ ˜¬ancouver€ Canadaš š1 6“4 648 36“1 nea.g.caranceœca.ey.coŠ ”onathan Dharmapalan‰ Global Telecommunications Leader ˜ an Francisco€ § š š1 41‚ 894 8Œ8Œ žonathan.dharŠapaanœey.coŠ ©eter Lennart‰ G A M&E Leader ˜Munich€ Germanyš š49 3“ 2‚4Œ1 2“631 peter.ennartŸœde.ey.coŠ ‘runo ©errin‰ EMEIA M&E Assurance Leader ˜£aris€ Franceš š33 1 46 93 6‚43 ’runo.perrinœ‹r.ey.coŠ Chris ©imlott‰ Americas M&E Ta Leader ˜Los Angeles€ § š š1 213 9ŒŒ ŒŒ21 chri.piŠottœey.coŠ Michael Žudberg‰ ˜London€ Englandš š44 2“Œ 9‚1 23Œ“ Šrud’ergœuk.ey.coŠ —en „al‚er‰ ˜Los Angeles€ § š š1 8“‚ ŒŒ8 Œ“18 kenneth.ˆakerœey.coŠ EY —noledge — M&E Martyn „histler‰ M&E Lead Analyst ˜London€ Englandš š44 2“ Œ98“ “6‚4 Šˆhiterœuk.ey.coŠ Žagha Mani‰ M&E ²no‚ledge Leader€ ˜Los Angeles€ § š š1 213 9ŒŒ ‚8‚‚ ragha.Šaniœey.coŠ š
EY ¶ Assurance ¶ Ta ¶ Transactions ¶ Advisory ƒbout EY EY is a global leader in assurance€ ta€ transaction and advisory servicesŠ The insights and uality services ‚e deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital marŒets and in economies the ‚orld overŠ Že develop outstanding leaders ‚ho team to deliver on our promises to all o our staŒeholdersŠ In so doing€ ‚e play a critical role in building a better ‚orŒing ‚orld or our people€ or our clients and or our communitiesŠ EY reers to the global organiœation€ and may reer to one or more€ o the member firms o Ernst & Young Global Limited€ each o ‚hich is a separate legal entityŠ Ernst & Young Global Limited€ a §² company limited by guarantee€ does not provide services to clientsŠ For more inormation about our organiœation€ please visit eyŠcomŠ ƒbout EY’s Global Technology Center EY’s Global Technology Center ˜GTCš is a net‚orŒ o ˆ„€……… technology practice proessionals rom across our global member firms€ all sharing deep technical and industry Œno‚ledgeŠ ƒur highperorming teams are diverse€ inclusive and borderlessŠ ƒur eperience helps clients gro‚€ manage€ protect and€ ‚hen necessary€ transorm their businessesŠ Že provide assurance€ advisory€ transaction and ta guidance through a net‚orŒ o eperienced and innovative advisors to help clients manage business risŒ€ transorm perormance and improve operationallyŠ ¬isit us at eyŠcom¯technologyŠ ƒbout EY’s Global Media & Entertainment Center EY’s Global Media & Entertainment Center brings together a ‚orld‚ide team o proessionals to help you achieve your potential — a team ‚ith deep technical eperience in providing assurance€ ta€ transaction and advisory servicesŠ ƒur net‚orŒ o proessionals collaborate and share Œno‚ledge around the ‚orld€ to provide consistent€ highuality service and leverage our leading marŒet share position to provide you ‚ith actionable inormation€ uicŒly and reliablyŠ ¬isit us at eyŠcom¯GL¯en¯Industries¯MediaEntertainmentŠ © ‡…ˆ‰ EYGM LimitedŠ All ‹ights ‹eservedŠ EYG noŠ F£………¨ E¦ one In line ‚ith EY’s commitment to minimiœe its impact on the environment€ this document has been printed on paper ‚ith a high recycled contentŠ This material has been prepared or general inormational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting€ ta€ or other proessional adviceŠ £lease reer to your advisors or specific adviceŠ