†echnoogy in the ’ack o‹fice imilarly€ „„” say they provide employees Mean‚hile€ bacŒo­fice systems such as access to systems€ applications and E‹£€ CM and C‹M must also become more net‚orŒs over mobile devices€ leaving †¨ž fleible to support agile M&E organiœationsŠ ¥„” that are not yet using mobility as an ƒur survey indicates that M&E companies e­­ective internal toolŠ Gaming and music o­ all respondents currently place a high value on o‚ning and companies are ahead o­ the curve here€ controlling their technology in­rastructure along ‚ith publishing companies ˜see Figure say un‚illingness to — yet they might achieve their goals more ‡ˆ€ page ‡“šŠ rapidly i­ they partnered ‚ith trusted relinuish IT control technology providersŠ In terms o­ social media€ «ust ¥„” o­ is an obstacle to respondents say it is “very” or “etremely” For eample€ „‡” o­ all respondents say it is important to use the technology ­or internal cloud useŠ “very” or “etremely” important that their collaboration and sharing€ leaving „„” business tools and so­t‚are are hosted in that do notŠ aturally€ social net‚orŒing the cloud — leaving ¥ž” that are not companies ˜™¨”š are ahead o­ the curve ˜see Figure ‡…šŠ The top obstacle€ cited by here€ as are gaming companies ˜„‡”š• ¥…” o­ respondents€ ‚as un‚illingness to ‚hile film ˜‰“”š and the advertising relinuish control o­ IT in­rastructureŠ ›ut industry ˜‡ž”š lagŠ Asian companies have ‰¨” also said they don’t even understand proven themselves to be uicŒer adapters€ the benefits cloud technology can o­­er€ ‰™” ho‚ever€ as „ˆ” o­ Asia£acific firms use lacŒ cloud sŒills€ and others are concerned social net‚orŒing€ compared ‚ith ‰¨” ‚ith an inability to customiœe cloud services o­ companies in EMEA and ¥™” in the ˜‡ž”š or figure out ‚hat so­t‚are to host AmericasŠ ocial net‚orŒing may prove in the cloud ˜‡ž”š€ among other concernsŠ to be a particularly valuable internal This suggests that M&E eecutives may technology ­or advancing M&E companies’ ‚ant to ­urther eplore ho‚ maŒing bacŒ organiœational agility€ as it enables o­fice systems accessible through the cloud “communities o­ interest” to ­orm around could help enable greater fleibilityŠ important conversations€ cutting across geographies and corporate silosŠ Figure 2“: „hat are the biggest obstacles to achieing your cloud computing goals…¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ (Rank the top three) It is “very” or “extremely” important that our organization’s 52% business tools and software are hosted in the cloud But there are several obstacles: Unwillingness to relinquish direct control of our IT infrastructure 40% Lack of understanding of the benefits of cloud computing 37% Lack of skills to build/maintain cloud-computing systems 36% Concerns about resiliency of cloud-based systems (i.e., downtime) 34% Determining ROI of cloud computing efforts 33% Inability to customize the solution to fit our needs 28% Determining what content, software and processes should be enabled in the cloud 28% Concern over information security/privacy issues in the cloud 28% Concern over losing control of our intellectual property 20% Finding ways to monetize cloud computing 11% £ercentages sho‚n ­or cloud hosting represent all respondents ‚ho chose “very” or “etremely” important• percentages sho‚n ­or obstacles represent respondents ‚ho ranŒed each choice first€ second or thirdŠ Ÿ

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