›Ÿž of all respondents say smart mobility ‚ill “moderately” or “substantially” drive revenue gro‚th in the net ‡–‰ yearsŠ In terms o the ability to “ail or‚ard€” ast€ ƒther M&E industry segments eel the etfli’s acŒno‚ledged mid‡…ˆˆ misstep — pressure to adapt to rapidly changing “ nly the most agile M&E and agile response — is destined to become customer demands «ust as prooundlyŠ organiƒations will be able to a tetbooŒ case studyŠ Announcing a ™…” “It’s no longer good enough to identiy a keep up with the etraordinary price increase or a combined ¦¬¦ rental problem at “ aŠmŠ€ and have it fied at the pace of technology change.” and streaming video service ˜as a prelude to end o the business day€” says icŒ Earl€ splitting the t‚o into separate businessesš enior ¬ice £resident or games publisher uy €anger initially cost the company ž……€……… Electronic ArtsŠ “In the mobile ‚orld€ i you Deputy and ƒmericas subscribers and ž‰” o its share priceŠ CEƒ discover the problem at “’……€ you need to Technology “ndustry Leader ‹eed ‘astings uicŒly apologiœed€ on his fi the problem by “’…„ and have it ready EY blog• the company responded by electing not to go into the field at “’ˆ…Š That’s «ust to separate the businesses€ but it did Œeep ho‚ it ‚orŒs no‚Š” the pricingŠ ubscriber and share price gro‚th returnedŠ As o its ‡…ˆ‰ first uarter€ etfli’s subscriber numbers matched ‘›ƒ’s€ the most ‚atched cable net‚orŒ in the § € and its share price had more than uadrupled ˆ€‡ rom its ‡…ˆ‡ lo‚Š The ollo‚ing sections o this report ‚ill eplore insights rom our research about the role o technology in enabling agile M&E organiœationsŠ The sections are€ • ¦igital leaders orge the agility vision • Creating agility and enabling a culture o innovation • Competing or people and sŒills in a astchanging environment • Enabling technology tools or agile organiœations • An ƒutlooŒ section that includes our Agility Inde identiying those industry segments displaying the most€ and least€ agility ˜see Figure ‡‰€ page ‰‡š œ