¦igital is rapidly transorming “ ring your own deice media and entertainment has translated into software€ which has translated into data. “Every day we’re playing three-dimensional chess.” ‚onsumer technology o said an M&E eecutive ‚ith ‚hom ‚e discussed our researchŠ is transforming how M&E ‘e ‚as commenting on the incredible speed ‚ith ‚hich digital companies produce€ technologies continue to change M&E content€ marŒeting€ distribution€ distribute€ track and business models€ supporting inrastructure and organiœational monetiƒe their content structure — even no‚€ t‚o decades into the age o digitiœationŠ and „.” ark orao Global Media & Entertainment ƒdisory Serices Leader The speed o that technologyenabled change o M&E companies are rethinŒing the EY is still accelerating€ ‚hile average revenue o very structure o their organiœations to M&E companies is poised to cross the „…” improve agilityŠ They are embracing ne‚ marŒ rom ma«ority traditional to ma«ority and emerging technologies to support digitalŠ ƒur research sho‚s that revenue organiœational structures that enable a rom digital is epected to average ¥¨” o nimble response to rapid shits in customer all respondents’ revenue in ‡…ˆ‰€ and gro‚ demand• that let them uicŒly seiœe emerging to „¨” by ‡…ˆ„ — maŒing digital the primary opportunities• that flatten hierarchies source o revenue or M&E companiesŠ and eliminate silos• and that accept risŒŠ These companies are also shiting rom Mean‚hile€ M&E consumers are continuously “maŒe and sell” to “sense and respond” Among all respondents assimilating ne‚ smart mobility or social business models€ as technology enables media technologies ˜thinŒ€ or eample€ them to get closer than ever beore to o the sudden initial rise o tablets and the their customersŠ šœž of subseuent rapid success o subžinch tabletsš€ ‚ith conseuent changes in their media consumption behaviorŠ ome even topline become doityoursel producers o their o‚n ne‚s€ music€ videos and gamesŠ Mean‚hile€ —ey characteristics of agile M&E unprecedented insights into customer tastes companies include€ reenue and behavior patterns are aorded to M&E companies by those same technologies€ • Advanced social listening programs ‚ill be derived rom acting in concert ‚ith others such as cloud to Œeep on top o changing computing and big data analyticsŠ customer sentiment digital channels by • Leadingedge analytics that identiy — Že believe this landscape o astchanging in realtime — ne‚ customer ‡…ˆ„ — up rom ¥¨” compleity is ‚hy all respondents’ top serving opportunities o revenue todayŠ strategic priority or digital transormation • ‹apid resource or ne‚ product is “creating a culture o innovationŠ” This deployment in response to those ‚as chosen by ™¥” o digital leaders and opportunities „¥” o all others ˜see Figure ˆ¥€ page ˆžšŠ • Cloudbased inrastructure ˜‚here ƒnly a true culture o innovation ‚ill yield appropriateš to enable lo‚errisŒ the steady stream o ne‚ ideas or products rapid deployment and scalability and services€ business models€ distribution€ as conditions change etcŠ€ reuired by M&E’s constant state o • The ability to “ail or‚ard€” ast — technologyinduced changeŠ iŠeŠ€ learn rom inevitable missteps€ fi them rapidly and move on ›ut a steady stream o brilliantly innovative ideas demands an etraordinarily agile organiœation to bring them to marŒetŠ ›