content to attract smartphone users€ products and services€ reanimate eisting “dentifying digital leaders M&E companies ‚ill be ­orced to thinŒ ones€ and reimagine business models about — and manage — more risŒ in ne‚ to o­­set declines in traditional revenue Among the more than „…… global ‚aysŠ ome ™¥” o­ all respondents say channelsŠ In a ‚orld ‚here so many respondents to our survey€ ‚e identified they are investing in digital sta­­ ­aster than customers epect their digital products and and categoriœed ™“ companies as digital digital revenue is gro‚ing€ and „…” say services to be ­ree€ a more complicated leaders based on certain criteriaŠ In they can accept shortterm revenue losses ‚eb o­ revenuegenerating e­­orts has these companies’ as they move up the digital learning curveŠ emerged€ including micropayments and ƒ­ course€ that means another „…” are ­reemium contentŠ All respondents indicate • ¦igital revenue already eceeds „…” reluctant to accept that tradeo­­€ ‚hich that “personaliœation” ˜™¥”š€ “anytime€ o­ their company revenueŠ suggests a di­­erent risŒ€ that o­ ­alling any‚here access” ˜™‰”š and “creating • Customer profile data is integrated behind othersŠ uniue content” ˜™ˆ”š ‚ill be the Œeys across at least t‚o channelsŠ that ensure customers pay ­or digital • econdgeneration or better solutions • Transformatie technologies such as products and services in the ­utureŠ are in place in at least t‚o o­ ­our Œey smart mobility‰ social netor‚ing‰ technologies ˜smart mobility€ social cloud computing and big data analytics • Technology and M&E companies can media€ big data analytics and cloud offer M&E companies unprecedented partner more closely ith one another to computingš to increase revenue or opportunities to meet their customers meet the digital challenges‰ but develop ne‚ products or servicesŠ hereer they areˆ £ersonaliœation is they need to better understand the a Œey trend in the digital ­utureŠ These “disconnects” that separate themˆ Žhile These digital leaders tend to have ne‚ technologies can o­­er M&E ­ar technology companies can help M&E di­­erent characteristics than all other more granular and nuanced insights into companies climb the digital learning curve€ survey respondentsŠ They are’ the pre­erences and behavior o­ their especially in the areas o­ cloud computing audiences — insights that can be used and data analytics€ many M&E companies • More li‚ely to hae been in business to refine eisting products and services€ are reluctant to seeŒ partnerships ‚ith longer™ ™‡” o­ digital leaders have create ne‚ ones and e­­ectively ensure that outside companiesŠ For eample€ ™¥” o­ been in business more than ˆ… years€ customers see your content ˜or access all respondents insist on inhouse sŒills compared ‚ith „‰” ­or all other their content over your net‚orŒšŠ ›ut only to process€ collect and analyœe data€ but respondentsŠ about ‡…” o­ all companies responding ¥ˆ” say they are not yet obtaining any • ƒre more enthusiastic about the have gone beyond studying and piloting insights and ‰¥” say that developing a potential of smart mobility to or initially deploying these technologies to data strategy to ensure the right people generate significant revenue over secondgeneration deployments that build get the right data so they can act on it is the net ‡‰ years versus all other on their initial eperiencesŠ a big obstacle to achieving their big data respondents ˜ž‰” versus ™¨”šŠ analytics goalsŠ • •ot necessarily ery large companiesŠ • M&E companies recognie that they must In ­act€ ¥ˆ” o­ digital leaders have accelerate digital product and serice This paper ­ocuses on the first o­ the revenues bet‚een ©„……m and ©ˆbŠ deelopment or face the possibility that five Œey areas’ ho‚ M&E companies are digitalsay leaders ill get there first reorganiœing to become more adaptive and usurp their mar‚etsˆ There­ore€ and responsive to shi­ting marŒetplace nnua igita  M&E companies must rapidly create ne‚ opportunities and risŒsŠ reenue eader other Figure 3: Media and entertainment transformation frameor‚ ©‡„m–©¥““m ‡“” ‰¥” ©„……m–©“““m ¥ˆ” ‰‡” ©ˆb–©„b ‡…” ‡„” n C o u i t C s ˆ…” “” a o t ª©„b z n o i Content t m n Vision e a y n e g t discovery t r r i l c i u O g r A a t ote’ our revie‚ o­ the digital leaders’ survey Targeting and i o n Culture engagement responses o­ten yielded additional valuable insightsŠ There­ore€ throughout this report ‚e ‚ill re­er to Enabling Customization/ three di­­erent types o­ responses€ as appropriate’ tools Cloud personalization • All survey respondents Social Data • ¦igital leaders Product Mobile Pace of • All others ˜all survey respondents minus the development investment digital leadersš Relationships/ th M Distribution partnerships ow r B one g g usin tiza Payment Risk agin egy es tio models an at s m n M Str ode l ource’ EY analysis€ ‡…ˆ‰Š š

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