€here doe Applying our methodology to the eight As a reminder€ ‚e defined digital leaders industry segments surveyed€ ‚e ound that’ by three characteristics’ your coŠpany • Interactive gaming ˜ˆˆ¨š and social • They’re already generating more than core on the net‚orŒing ˜ˆ…“š segments indeed hal their revenue rom digital products as most agileŠ and servicesŠ giity ™nde”˜ • Advertising and measurement ˜ž‰š and • They’ve integrated customer data across publishing and inormation services ˜“¥š at least t‚o channelsŠ ˜see Figure ‡‰š ‚ere least agileŠ • They’ve deployed secondgeneration or later solutions o at least t‚o o our Œey This finding is consistent ‚ith the ma«or technologies ˜smart mobility€ cloud dislocations aecting media industriesŠ computing€ social media or big data re you prepared to Gaming companies€ or instance€ have been analyticsš or product development orced to move rapidly to embrace the or revenue generationŠ ’e a digita eader˜ rising popularity o first social€ then mobile games€ ‚hich represent ma«or distribution Given their ˆ‡“ score on the Agility Inde€ • and business models shitsŠ it appears that the leaders’ greater Žhat is your agility vision® technology eperience has oered them a • In addition€ ‚e ound’ clear vision o the digital uture this report ‘o‚ do you plan to describes€ in ‚hich a continuous stream o implement and continuously • Asia£acific ˜ˆ…“š companies indeed innovative ne‚ products and services reresh that vision higher than those in orth America ˜“¨š is necessary to meet astchanging throughout your organiœation® or EMEA ˜“¥šŠ customer behaviorŠ • Midsiœe companies ˜©„……m–©“““mš • ‘o‚ prepared are you to indeed higher€ at ˆ…“€ than small ˜“‰š They also appear to have seen€ and acted identiy and compete or the or big ˜““š companiesŠ on€ the reuirement or organiœational people and sŒill sets you • And digital leaders indeed highest o all’ agility to overcome the challenges o that need to ecel in a digital this ™“company subset scored ˆ‡“€ astmoving utureŠ compared ‚ith “™ or the more than ¥ž… environment® other respondentsŠ And they are more advanced in terms o using technologies such as social media • ‘ave you invested in and the cloud to create an internal culture enabling technology tools around collaboration€ and in using enabling that allo‚ you to anticipate technology tools to create fleibility in their and respond to customer and bacŒend and bacŒofice inrastructureŠ marŒet changes uicŒly Figure 23: ƒgility “nde‡ by M&E segments‰ enabling technology and digital leaders and confidently® Digital leaders 129 Interactive gaming 117 The ™“ digital leaders ranŒed Social networking/social media 109 Music 101 ¢ž Enabling technology 101 more agile than the Filmed entertainment 100 study averageŠ Broadcast and cable networks 96 Publishing and information services 94 Advertising and measurement 83 ource’ EY analysis€ ‡…ˆ‰Š