ƒutlooŒ “nsights from our ƒgility “nde‡ ur †gility nde ranks the relatie organiƒational I ‚e taŒe the long vie‚€ media has al‚ays evolved in partnership agility of different M&E ‚ith the leading edge o technologyŠ And their partnership has al‚ays segments as well as enabling changed societyŠ ThinŒ ˆ¥¥… and the printing press• thinŒ about technology and digital leaders. the advent o television in the middle o the last century and the The aerage score of all subseuent rise o popular cultureŠ respondents is indeed to ‘’’. “or eample€ a score Žhat’s ne‚ and proound today is an and systems€ people and processesŠ of ‘‘’ denotes performance etraordinarily ast pace o change enabled The uture belongs to the nimbleŠ Žinning ‘’” aboe aerage• –’ is by t‚o characteristics o modern broadband M&E companies ‚ill be those that best ‘’” below aerage. net‚orŒs’ they connect us all at the speed leverage audience analytics across channels€ o light ˜no matter ‚here ‚e goš and anticipate emerging trends€ identiy they are interactiveŠ The ormer leads to synergies across lines o business and uicŒly the “anytime€ any‚here” reuirement or deploy the most eective responsesŠ content ubiuity and content curation€ to ensure the right content meets the right To better understand ‚hich companies audiences€ ‚hen and ‚here they ‚ish itŠ and sectors meet that agility test€ ‚e The latter empo‚ers the audiences that reanalyœed our survey data to develop comprise popular culture to talŒ bacŒ to an Agility IndeŠ It’s based on a subset o their media providers€ both eplicitly in€ survey uestions that bear on a company’s or eample€ social media and implicitly agility€ and is ‚eighted in avor o ans‚ers through the big data “ehaust” generated that demonstrate agile behaviorsŠ For by all their digital interactionsŠ eample€ ans‚ers such as “creating a culture o innovation€” “analyœing customer From these simple initial conditions€ interactions” or “building alliances” ‚ith mobilesocialcloud and big data analytics M&E and technology partners ‚ere heavily technologies are spinning out ne‚ digital ‚eightedŠ “Getting to marŒet aster ‚ith M&E possibilities that are changing media ne‚ or evolved products and services ‚as consumers’ habits€ preerences and€ ‚eighted” as a Œey gro‚th driverŠ In all€ ‚e ultimately€ demands at a diœœying paceŠ actored together ans‚ers to ˆ™ uestionsŠ This report maŒes the case that in order to For clarity€ ‚e indeed the average score o anticipate ne‚ directions in this accelerating all respondents to ˆ……Š Thereore€ a score o M&E evolution€ and get out in ront o ˆˆ…€ or eample€ denotes perormance ˆ…” changing customer behavior€ M&E companies above average• “… is ˆ…” belo‚ average• must become etremely agile organiœations€ and so onŠ enabled by the right technologies€ structure §