pportunities for technology companies pportunities for M&E companies Žhen it comes to technology inrastructure€ M&E The maturity and scale o M&E companies help shape companies still largely preer a “command and control” their technology strategyŠ Žhen to invest and ‚ho to philosophyŠ ›ut our data suggests most M&E companies partner ‚ith are critical uestionsŠ don’t have the sŒills necessary to manage all o the technology reuired to enable their agilityŠ ¡uestions to consider€ • Is o‚nership the right option® Žhat actors are ¡uestions to consider€ influencing your decision to o‚n versus outsource€ and • In ‚hat ‚ays can your company help M&E companies ho‚ do you thinŒ about this at dierent stages in your integrate customeracing applications ‚ith bacŒend company’s evolution and or dierent parts o your systems to increase organiœational agility® company’s technology inrastructure® • ‘o‚ can you help M&E companies develop and eecute • Is there an eective balance among the investments a comprehensive big data analytics strategy® being made in technology or the ront ofice€ bacŒ • Is your company able to communicate the business ofice and the bacŒ end€ and ho‚ do you thinŒ about benefits o sourcing M&E companies’ data and bacŒ these dierently® ofice technologies® • To ‚hat etent do you ‚orŒ ‚ith your technology • ‘o‚ can you help M&E clients understand the benefits partners to better understand opportunities and risŒs® o partnering — and build the necessary trust® ¦o you eel suficiently inormed about the technology • Žhat are the best ‚ays your technology can help M&E choices available in the marŒet and their impact on your companies improve internal collaboration® business® • To ‚hat etent do you consider ‚here technologybased dierentiation can have the highest impact on your business® Žill suggesting standardiœed solutions sufice€ ‚here little dierentiation is possible® ¨