Neˆ product and erice any‚hereš and are more ‚illing to let “ …martphones€ tablets and deeopŠent ‹ocu legacy products and services languishŠ Žhen asŒed to ranŒ the top three ‚ays They choose to leverage eisting strengths social media are all catalysts in ‚hich technology ‚ill drive gro‚th or in brand€ I£€ customer base€ etcŠ€ in the for accelerated change in the their organiœations€ „¨” o all respondents support o these ne‚ products and services€ way people create€ discoer chose developing ne‚ product and service ‚hich customers have embraced ‚illinglyŠ and consume content. †nd this oerings first€ second or third€ more than They are introducing ne‚ products and any other selection ˜see Figure ¨šŠ Evolving services iteratively€ learning rom each o is ‡ust the beginning.” eisting products and services ‚as the their iterationsŠ And they are iterating ‚ith second most popular choice€ ranŒed by „…” increasing reuency€ rather than ‚aiting to Hoˆard a o all respondentsŠ LooŒing more closely do it once or t‚ice a yearŠ This correlates •ortheast Media & Entertainment at only top ranŒings€ digital leaders sho‚ ‚ith their concern over shortening product ƒdisory Serices Leader greater ocus on ne‚ product development€ lie cycles seen in Figure „€ page “Š EY ‚ith ‰…” ranŒing it number one versus ‡„” o all others ˜see Figure žšŠ Even Gaming companies are ‚idely seen at more interesting is ho‚ little digital leaders the leading edge o iterative product care about evolving eisting products and developmentŠ ƒur data confirms services — only ˆ“” ranŒed it number oneŠ this€ ‚ith ™™” o interactive gaming segment respondents citing ne‚ product Že believe digital leaders are recogniœing development and only ‰“” ocused on their customers’ embrace o ne‚ evolving products and servicesŠ ƒ note€ al‚aysavailable digital products and the gaming respondents are even ahead o services ˜‚hether broadcast€ streamed the digital leaders on this point€ ‚ith ‰¥” or do‚nloaded to the living room or to ranŒing ne‚ product development number a smartphone or tablet that could be one ˜compared ‚ith ‰…” o digital leadersšŠ Figure Œ: “n hat ays ill technology drie groth for your organiation…¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ (Top three rankings) roˆth drier †ota Advertising Film ›roadcast £ublishing and Gaming Music ocial media Technology inormation services ¦evelop ne‚ products¯service oerings „¨” „¥” ¥“” ™…” „™” ™™” ™¥” ¥“” „™” Evolve eisting products¯service oerings „…” ™“” „ˆ” ¥“” ¥¨” ‰“” „‡” ¥‰” ¥¨” Get to marŒet aster ‚ith ne‚ or evolved ¥…” ‰ˆ” ¥‡” ‰ž” ‰‡” „„” ‰¥” ¥ˆ” ¥ˆ” products¯services ¡£ercentages sho‚n represent all respondents ‚ho ranŒed each choice first€ second or thirdŠ Figure 8: “n hat ays ill technology drie groth for your organiation…¦ (Top rank only) Develop new products/ 30% service offerings 25% Evolve existing products/ 19% service offerings 30% Get to market faster with 13% new or evolved products/services 12% Digital Leaders All others ¡£ercentages sho‚n represent respondents ‚ho ranŒed each choice number oneŠ §§