Music segment respondents matched beore because o technology that enhances gaming’s ‰¥” number one ranŒing or organiœational agilityŠ Yet our analysis o ho‚ ne‚ product development€ and ™¥” these technologies are being adopted sho‚s ššž ranŒed it first€ second or thirdŠ imilarly€ that many companies have a long ‚ay to go broadcasting companies’ ™…” first€ second beore obtaining the ull benefitsŠ o all respondents or third ranŒings ‚as higher than the overall averageŠ These segments are reacting to ‘Šart Šo’iity rate internal use o radical changes in the cycle time o their Žhen asŒed ho‚ mobilesocialcloud traditional products and services€ as the rapid and big data analytics technologies ‚ould mobile technology adoption o mobile phones€ video streaming aect their revenue in the net ‡–‰ years€ “very” or “etremely” and tablets spurs demand or “al‚ays respondents ‚ere most positive about available” accessŠ It’s interesting to note that smart mobility’ ™ž” o all respondents importantŠ advertising€ film and social media companies and ž‰” o digital leaders said it ‚ould ranŒed ne‚ product development belo‚ the “moderately” or “substantially” increase overall averageŠ their revenue ˜see Figure ¥€ page “šŠ mart mobile technology supports M&E companies’ †echnoogy depoyŠent upport ability to deliver the anytime€ any‚here Ž„ agiity content access customers no‚ epectŠ I digital leaders are ocused on ne‚ product ›ut looŒing urther€ M&E companies are development€ technology is enabling them using smart mobility internally as ‚ell to create agile organiœations to do this more as eternally’ providing employee access eficiently and eectivelyŠ M&E companies to corporate inormation ‚as the top use€ are deploying the digital technologies o ‚ith „„” o all respondents rating it “very” smart mobility€ cloud computing€ social or “etremely” important€ ‚hile acting on net‚orŒing and big data analytics to help customer location data analysis ranŒed them achieve their digital agility visionŠ avvy second ‚ith „‰”Š It’s ‚orth noting that the adopters are continuously ad«usting their digital leaders emphasiœe both sides o that marŒeting and product development plans euation’ ¨ˆ” rated employee access to based on continually updated Œno‚ledge and inormation as very or etremely important insight into their audiencesŠ And they are and ¨¥” gave that rating to enhancing able to maŒe those ad«ustments aster than customer oerings ‚ith location inormationŠ Figure 9: “n hat stage of deelopment is your company in deploying mobile technology to help achiee your distribution business goals… ¤ƒll respondents¥ 60 41% 50 38% s 40 spondent30 re of % 20 14% 7% 10 0 Not deploying Studying/piloting Beginning deployment/ Second-generation first generation deployment or later Advertising and measurement Publishing and information services Social networking/social media Filmed entertainment Interactive gaming Enabling technology Broadcast and cable networks Music Average of all respondents §