Ž„ coŠpanie e”pore di‹‹erent • Asia£acific companies ‚eighed heavily tructura approache to‚ard the central visionary¯team As companies transorm their organiœational approach ˜¥ˆ”š€ EMEA companies structures or agility and digital innovation€ chose it but less than the average ˜‰…”š they are trying out dierent approaches and Americas companies rated individual depending on the needs o their specific leaders in central roles on top ˜‰ˆ”šŠ segment or even their o‚n uniue cultureŠ Že ound no onesiœefitsall approach but o’ie•ocia•coud technoogie een a rather dierent distributions depending on critica to coa’oration and acceerated segment€ company siœe and region deciion•Šaking ˜see Figure ˆ„šŠ Among all respondents€ „™” say it is “very” or “etremely” important to “use cloud • ƒverall€ the largest plurality ˜‰‡”š computing or collaboration to enable sta avored driving digital transormation to ‚orŒ together ‚ith eternal partners on using a central visionary¯team or digital the same products and servicesŠ” Among center o ecellenceŠ digital leaders€ it ‚as chosen as “very” or • ‡ž” avored individual leaders in central “etremely” important by ¨ˆ” ˜see Figure Among digital leaders€ roles€ ‚hich ‚as the top choice or the ˆ™€ page ‡…šŠ Fityt‚o percent o all advertising€ broadcasting and technology respondents say it is important to use segments€ and tied or top among cloud technology to enable geographically œ§ž publishing respondents ˜‚ith the dispersed sta to collaborate€ as do ™ž” central visionary¯team approachšŠ o the digital leadersŠ T‚othirds o digital • ‰¥” o smaller companies ˜©‡„m–©¥““mš leaders ˜™¨”š say using social net‚orŒing say it is “very” or chose individual leaders in central rolesŠ techniues or internal communication “etremely” important • ¥ˆ” o companies rom ©„……m©“““m among employees is “very” or “etremely” chose central visionary¯team or digital important€ compared ‚ith ¥‡” o all othersŠ to use cloud computing center o ecellenceŠ And some ‰‡” o leaders use second to collaborate ‚ith • Žhile larger companies ˜above ©ˆbš also generation or later techniues in mobility rated the central visionary¯team approach to enhance employee engagement and eternal partnersŠ on top€ their ratings ‚ere distributed communication€ versus only ˆ‰” o all among all the choices seen in Figure ˆ„Š othersŠ Figure 1‚: „hich best describes ho your company dries digital transformation ¤mobilesocialcloud and big data¥ throughout the organiation… One central visionary/ 27% team or digital center of 33% 25% 41% excellence is responsible 32% 30% 27% for all digital strategies 41% 29% Individual leaders in 34% central roles oversee 22% 31% 27% digital technologies 29% 29% 24% across the organization 24% 19% Each line of business (LOB) is responsible for 18% 19% its own strategy 20% 18% 15% development around 18% 18% 20% digital technologies 19% Cross-functional teams 13% 14% work across the 17% 11% enterprise in an integral 16% 8% 11% fashion, coordinating 12% 17% individual LOB activity 3% Individual teams execute 9% 4% digital strategy within 4% 4% 13% each functional area 7% 5% 8% All respondents All respondents $25m–$499m Corporate marketing 5% Americas 3% $500m–$999m directs, manages and 4% Digital leaders 2% EMEA 2% controls our digital 3% 5% $1b–$5b strategy All others 3% Asia-Pacific 8% >$5b §¢