Enabling technology tools or “ †gile M&E companies are agile organiœations using mobile-social-cloud and big data analytics technologies to sere As companies rapidly rethinŒ their organiœational structure to become customers in new ways more agile€ they must also reimagine their company’s underlying and to pull away from technology inrastructure to support greater speed and fleibilityŠ competitors that respond slowly.” aid Nicho M&E companies are concerned ‚ith three “Žhy€ ater ‚e ‚ent through the ‘ impsons€’ ƒmericas “T types o technology inrastructure’ ront did ‚e go through the same problems ‚ith Transformation ©ractice Leader ofice€ bacŒ end and bacŒ oficeŠ Frontofice ‘ imCity®’” asŒs EA’s icŒ Earl€ rhetoricallyŠ EY systems support the ull range o interactive The problems€ he says€ reflected specific customer touch points and ‚ill be eplored but distinct inrastructure issues around in a uture report in this seriesŠ ›acŒend putting games online or either £C or mobile systems enable products and services platormsŠ As a result€ he says€ EA has and include technology such as sot‚are “changed the state o readiness” it demands development tools€ content management o its bacŒend servers ‚hen it launches systems and digital rights managementŠ ne‚€ live gamesŠ ›acŒofice systems enable company operations and include enterprise resource Foursuare€ mean‚hile€ decided to planning ˜E‹£š€ supply chain management launch its service on a cloudbased bacŒ ˜ CMš and customer relationship end€ as do many startupsŠ The launch management ˜C‹MšŠ Mobilesocialcloud used Amaœon Žeb ervices€ but eventually and big data analytics technologies have the company built its o‚n data centerŠ roles to play or both bacŒend and bacŒ “Everyone builds their stu on Amaœon at ofice systemsŠ the beginning€” says Foursuare’s Cro‚leyŠ “›ecause i you need to scale it up really ack•end technoogy yteŠ uicŒly€ you «ust thro‚ some more money As already discussed€ or eample€ at them every month and suddenly you have leading M&E companies are using all o itŠ” ƒnce the company reaches a certain these technologies to help them rapidly siœe€ ho‚ever€ “it’s cheaper to build out your “sense and respond” to changing audience o‚n data centersŠ” preerences and behavior patternsŠ The cloud€ or instance€ has become a proven Žhile Cro‚ley may be right in saying solution or managing the launch o ne‚ that every ne‚ startup uses the cloud or content oerings — maŒing it easier and bacŒend systems€ our research sho‚s more eficient to manage demandŠ that established M&E companies are not universally convincedŠ For eample€ ‡¥” o Electronic Arts ˜EAš learned this the survey respondents are still studying and hard ‚ay€ ‚hen its March ‡…ˆ‰ release piloting their use o cloud or product and o the highly anticipated online version service development€ „¥” are in the process o “ imCity” resulted in multiple crashed o their first deployments and «ust ˆ™” have servers and thousands o angry customersŠ gone on to secondgeneration deploymentsŠ EA underestimated the inrastructure that Further€ „” aren’t considering it ˜see Figure ‚ould be needed to support the game’s ˆ“€ page ‡¨šŠ immediate rush o ansŠ More embarrassing ‚as that the incident tooŒ place less than a year ater the similarly unortunate roll out o a ree mobile game€ “The impson’s’ Tapped ƒut€” ‚hich crashed the company’s servers and caused users’ data and game progress to be erasedŠ ›