pportunities for technology companies pportunities for M&E companies M&E companies need to acuire ne‚ technology sŒills as Many o the creative sŒills reuired in M&E remain ‚ell as “ne‚ media” sŒillsŠ Technology companies oten unchanged — but the impact o technology cannot be ocus on developing the most advanced and sophisticated underestimatedŠ Technologyenabled innovation has tools to solve emerging issues but may not match the changed the M&E business system€ rom understanding the solutions they’re oering to the sŒills and capabilities o customer to creating€ curating and distributing contentŠ their M&E clientsŠ ›y necessity€ the sŒills profile ‚ithin M&E companies is evolvingŠ ¡uestions to consider€ • ¦oes your company have the right balance o technical ¡uestions to consider€ sŒill and industry understanding to eectively implement • ‘o‚ do you balance the creative needs o your M&E or integrate digital technologies or M&E clients® company ‚ith the technical sŒills reuired to master • In ‚hat ‚ays can your company help identiy technical ne‚ technologies® ‘o‚ do you identiy sŒills gaps and sŒills gaps or M&E clients and oer the right level o then build capabilities or evolve the sŒills profile® complementary epertise® • An increasing proportion o your ‚orŒorce ˜«ust liŒe • ¦oes your company understand the sŒills obstacles M&E your customersš is tech savvy — ‚ell versed in social€ companies must address to taŒe advantage o the latest mobile€ search and other technologiesŠ ‘o‚ does your technologies and tools® Žhat roles can you play to organiœation and its technology strategy cater to and mitigate these and bridge the gaps® taŒe advantage o this gro‚ing resource® • ¦oes your company oer M&E companies enough guidance and training so they can achieve the best perormance rom the tools and systems delivered to them® š