Eacerbating the issue€ certain technology o responses is that the sta o many M&E companies are driving technologyenabled companies simply don’t Œno‚ ho‚ to distill transormationŠ everal technology insight rom the data they’re gettingŠ ›†ž companies€ or eample€ are developing original content o their o‚n or ostering imilarly€ some ‰™” o all respondents o all respondents content development rom third parties€ say they lacŒ the sŒills to build or maintain putting them into competition or creative€ cloudbased computing systemsŠ As rely on inhouse sŒills as ‚ell as technical€ talentŠ Figure ˆ¨ ˜see page ‡‰š sho‚s€ this percentage is even higher or advertising€ to analyœe dataŠ ƒverall€ M&E eecutives must identiy sŒill music€ film and gaming companies€ ‚hose deficits and determine ho‚ best to move digital transormations oten reuire cloud resources into the right areas in a ‚ay that technology to improve agility and respond is timely and eficientŠ Among the gaps more rapidly to changes in customer yet€ †§ž indicated by all survey respondents is one behaviorŠ in big data analyticsŠ For eample€ ™¥” say they rely on inhouse sŒills to analyœe Clearly understanding the opportunities o all respondents data but a surprisingly high ¥ˆ” also say specific technologies oer and ho‚ they have yet to gain they have not yet obtained insight rom can be used most eectively is imperative the analysis o customer dataŠ For music as M&E companies generate a road map or customer insight companies€ the figure rises to „‰” ˜see determining ‚hich sŒills need to be brought rom their data Figure ˆžšŠ Among the many possible into the organiœation and in ‚hat priorityŠ conclusions to dra‚ rom this «utaposition analysisŠ Figure 18: ©ercent of each industry segment stating they are not yet obtaining insight from the analysis of customer dataˆ¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ Music 53% Social networking/ 43% social media Interactive gaming 42% Advertising and 41% measurement Filmed entertainment 41% Broadcast and 38% cable networks Enabling technology 35% Publishing and 35% information services ¡£ercentages sho‚n are o all respondents in each industry segment ‚ho chose “agree” or “strongly agree” ‚hen asŒed to rate their agreement ‚ith this statement on a ˆ–„ scaleŠ †