Competing or people and sŒills in a astchanging environment Žhen it comes to the people and sŒills challenge acing M&E companies€ our survey data is clear’ there’s a siœable gap bet‚een the level o “ ‰igital leaders are fully eploiting technology sŒills companies reuire and those they possessŠ ›ut this is the fleibility€ speed and cost not big ne‚sŠ Ater all€ ¥‰” o all survey respondents ranŒed “acuiring benefits of cloud computing to digital sŒills” as a top strategic priority• the only strategies that surpassed create real agility adantages it ‚ere “creating a culture o innovation” and “listening to customersŠ” for their M&E companies.” e” ender ‘o‚ever€ ‚idespread recognition o this ƒ note€ the competition or talent is liŒely „est Žegion Technology “ndustry Leader challenge does not diminish itŠ Že believe to ‚orsen in the short term€ as more EY many M&E business opportunities ‚ill be companies vie or the same people and ‚on or lost based on companies’ ability to the lines bet‚een M&E and technology hire the right talent and — «ust as critically — companies continue to blurŠ At £andora€ to put it to ‚orŒ in the right environmentŠ Founder and C ƒ Žestergren agrees that † ž In both cases€ the Œey‚ord or M&E recruiting ne‚ talent or Œey technical «obs companies is changeŠ They must realign “is one o the biggest challenges right no‚€” o all respondents cite the sŒills profiles o their people€ they must especially as his company€ headuartered reimagine their organiœational structure near ilicon ¬alley€ must regularly “acuiring digital sŒills” and culture ˜as discussed in the section on compete or talent ‚ith highprofile as a top strategic culture o innovation€ page ˆžš and they technology companies and the plethora must rethinŒ their hiring and retention o startups continuously emerging thereŠ priority or digital strategies to ad«ust or more intensive Companies must ‚eigh the advantages and transormationŠ competitionŠ disadvantages that come rom locating near a talent hub such as ilicon ¬alleyŠ Figure 1Œ: ©ercent of each industry segment e‡pressing “lac‚ of s‚ills” as a ‚ey obstacle to “buildªmaintain” cloud computing systemsˆ¦ ¤ƒll respondents¥ Advertising and 42% measurement Filmed entertainment 42% Music 42% Interactive gaming 39% Social networking/ 37% social media Enabling technology 34% Broadcast and 25% cable networks Publishing and 25% information services ¡£ercentages sho‚n are o all respondents in each industry segment ‚ho chose “LacŒ o sŒills to build¯maintain cloudcomputing systems” as their first€ second or third top obstacleŠ