¦igital leaders ­orge the agility vision ›ecause it is the leaders in an industry ‚ho define the ‚inning vision€ ‚e looŒed closely at the survey results o­ our digital leadersŠ Že ­ound a group ‚ith great conviction Figure 4: £o ill digital technologies ¤mobilesocialcloud and big data analytics¥ that smart mobilesocialcloud and big affect your reenue oer the ne‡t  years…¦ data analytics technologies ‚ould drive revenue gro‚th ˜see Figure ¥š€ as ‚ell as an increased emphasis on social and Mobile technology 28% 55% cloud technologies ‚ithin and across their 34% 33% o‚n organiœationsŠ Že also discovered the leaders ‚ere much more ­ocused on ne‚ product development than evolving eisting Cloud computing 29% 48% products and services€ and more concerned over evershortening product li­e cycles 34% 28% than everyone else ˜see Figure „šŠ Big data analytics 45% 28% In other ‚ords€ the digital leaders recogniœe that ne‚ technologies are altering 37% 19% customer behaviors and trans­orming marŒet opportunities at ‚arp speedŠ They 45% 25% realiœe they must build more agile€ nimble Social networking organiœations to meet the challenge o­ 39% 17% serving such a ­astmoving marŒetŠ And so they are looŒing ­or the most e­­ective Moderately (digital leaders) Substantially (digital leaders) technologies to deploy ‚ithin their companies to enable customerdriven Moderately (all others) Substantially (all others) course corrections that are both rapid and ¡£ercentages sho‚n represent respondents ‚ho chose “moderately increase” or “substantially increaseŠ” adaptive€ and to support smarter — and much ­aster — management decisionsŠ Figure ‚: „hat are the ‚ey challenges your company faces in its digital transformation…¦ Implementing this vision o­ an agile ¤Select the top three) organiœation constantly delivering ne‚ products and services to match the rapid evolution o­ customer tastes and habits is Shortening life cycle of 42% a tall orderŠ Conseuently€ our research our products/services 28% reveals gaps bet‚een the vision and its eecution€ even among the leaders and Operating in new 38% certainly among the restŠ geographic markets 32% Incorporating new digital 38% technologies into our products and systems 26% Coping with new digital 32% business models 40% Increasing competition 26% from firms with superior digital capabilities 32% Digital leaders All others ¡£ercentages sho‚n represent respondents ‚ho ranŒed each choice first€ second or thirdŠ ¢

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