ƒoud coŠputing computing implementation across M&E Figure ˆ‰ sho‚s the no‚amiliar pattern companiesŠ ¦igital leaders€ though€ are o lo‚ adoption beyond the firstgeneration ahead o the curve’ ¨¥” say it’s important œ†ž stage or cloud computing’ less than one to host business tools in the cloud€ in five companies are deploying advanced compared ‚ith ¥“” o all othersŠ o digital leaders cloud computing or revenue optimiœationŠ This is the case even though cloud Žhile M&E companies clearly understand say it’s important to services support the Œind o inrastructure the role o technology in their vision to fleibility M&E companies reuire to be become agile organiœations€ continuously host business tools constantly iterating products and services€ iterating ne‚ products and services to in the cloudŠ and upgrading sot‚are and servicesŠ match the rapid evolution o customer Yet€ despite the significant opportunities behavior€ they have some distance to go to cloud computing oers to support mobile ully incorporate itŠ £roperly deployed€ M&E strategies€ transorm content distribution companies’ integration o big data analytics€ channels and maŒe internal inrastructure social and mobile technologies€ enabled more scalable€ adoption remains slo‚Š by cloud computing€ ‚ill allo‚ them to develop a virtuous cycle o contact€ content€ ‹eluctance to hand over control to a third personaliœation and rapid iteration that party ˜¥…”š€ lacŒ o an understanding o gro‚s the business and increases the value the cloud’s benefits ˜‰¨”š and a lacŒ o o the relationship ‚ith customers€ all in internal cloud sŒills ˜‰™”š ‚ere the “real timeŠ” topcited inhibitors to ‚idespread cloud Figure 13: “n hat stage of deelopment is your company in deploying cloud computing to achiee your reenue optimiation business goals… ¤ƒll respondents¥ 70 48% 60 50 s 40 re spondent 30 24% of % 19% 20 9% 10 0 Not deplo ying Studying/ piloting Beginning deplo ymen t/ Second-gener ation first gener ation deplo yment or lat er Ad vertising and measur emen t Publishing and in formation servic es Social networking/ social media Filmed en tertainmen t In teractiv e gaming Enabling t echnology Br oadc ast and cable ne twork s Av Music erage of all respondents §›