ig data anaytic and ma«or opportunities eist ­or companies ›ig data analytics technology has been to employ more sophisticated analytics to adopted even less by M&E companies than boost revenuesŠ Considering all respondents€ smart mobile€ ‚hich maŒes sense because Figure ˆˆ sho‚s the same pattern seen in its importance ‚as amplified a­ter smart Figure “ on page ˆ‡€ ‚ith an average o­ mobile devices achieved critical massŠ o «ust ˆ“” having gone beyond the first ‚hile digital leaders are three times more generation stageŠ liŒely than other respondents to use second generation big data analytics techniues Yet it is clear that big data analytics o­­ers to improve customer engagement ˜‡™” media companies enormous opportunity to versus “”š€ there is enormous potential ­or segment their customers€ understand their all companies to do moreŠ ƒnly onethird pre­erences and buying habits and develop o­ digital leaders use secondgeneration relationships that deepen over time and techniues to improve their marŒeting€ across multiple plat­ormsŠ Figure 11: “n hat stage of deelopment is your company in deploying big data to help achiee your reenue generating business goals… ¤ƒll respondents¥ ­nly §¢ž 60 o­ all respondents 50 43% have deployed second generation big data s 40 30% analytics solutions in 30 spondent re 19% generating revenueŠ of % 20 8% 10 0 Not deploying Studying/piloting Beginning deployment/ Second-generation first generation deployment or later Advertising and measurement Publishing and information services Social networking/social media Filmed entertainment Interactive gaming Enabling technology Broadcast and cable networks Music Average of all respondents §†

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