ig data anaytic and ma«or opportunities eist or companies ›ig data analytics technology has been to employ more sophisticated analytics to adopted even less by M&E companies than boost revenuesŠ Considering all respondents€ smart mobile€ ‚hich maŒes sense because Figure ˆˆ sho‚s the same pattern seen in its importance ‚as amplified ater smart Figure “ on page ˆ‡€ ‚ith an average o mobile devices achieved critical massŠ o «ust ˆ“” having gone beyond the first ‚hile digital leaders are three times more generation stageŠ liŒely than other respondents to use second generation big data analytics techniues Yet it is clear that big data analytics oers to improve customer engagement ˜‡™” media companies enormous opportunity to versus “”š€ there is enormous potential or segment their customers€ understand their all companies to do moreŠ ƒnly onethird preerences and buying habits and develop o digital leaders use secondgeneration relationships that deepen over time and techniues to improve their marŒeting€ across multiple platormsŠ Figure 11: “n hat stage of deelopment is your company in deploying big data to help achiee your reenue generating business goals… ¤ƒll respondents¥ nly §¢ž 60 o all respondents 50 43% have deployed second generation big data s 40 30% analytics solutions in 30 spondent re 19% generating revenueŠ of % 20 8% 10 0 Not deploying Studying/piloting Beginning deployment/ Second-generation first generation deployment or later Advertising and measurement Publishing and information services Social networking/social media Filmed entertainment Interactive gaming Enabling technology Broadcast and cable networks Music Average of all respondents §†