W ant to learn more? Insights on governance, risk and compliance is an ongoing series of thought leadership reports focused on IT and other business risks and the many related challenges and opportunities. These timely and topical publications are designed to help you understand the issu es and provide y ou w ith valu ab le insights ab ou t ou r perspective. P lease visit ou r Insights on governance, risk and compliance series at www.ey.com/GRCinsights. Insights on Insights on governance, risk governance, risk and compliance and compliance Creating trust in Cyber P rogram the digital w orl d M anagem ent E Y ’s G lobal Inf ormation S ecu rity S u rvey 2015 C reating the path f orw ard Creating trust in the digital world: Cyber Threat Intelligence − Cyber Program Management: EY’s Global Infomation Security how to get ahead of cybercrime creating the path forward Survey 2015 www.ey.com/CTI w w w . ey . com/ C P M w w w . ey . com/ GISS20 1 5 Using cyber analytics to help you Security Operations Centers — Managed SOC — EY’s Advanced get on top of cybercrime: helping you get ahead of cybercrime Security Center: world-class Third-generation Security w w w . ey . com/ S O C cybersecurity working for you Operations Centers http: / / w w w . ey . com/ managedS O C w w w . ey . com/ 3 S O C Insights on Insights on governance, risk governance, risk and compliance and compliance M arch 2015 December 2014 Cyber breach response Cybersecurity A chiev ing resil ience in management and the the cyber ecosystem Breaches do happen. Internet of Things Are you ready? Cyber breach response Cybersecurity and the Achieving resilience in management — Breaches do Internet of Things the cyber ecosystem happen. Are you ready? www.ey.com/IoT w w w . ey . com/ cy b erecosy stem w w w . ey . com/ cy b erB R M 16 | E nhancing y ou r secu rity operations w ith A ctive Def ense