We foresee several key themes in this future. Wherever you are on your SSC or GBS journey, now is the time to start making them happen. Trend #1: Global integration — a single superorganization Organizations of all kinds can now behave just like start-ups. This is because GBS has delivered on all its promises of efficiency: processes, governance and IT architecture are clearly defined and standardized globally, so companies can operate in a more agile way. Process design is going beyond end-to-end, and now addresses how people engage with the organization one-to-one, drawing on a vast catalog of services. Global IT architecture is integrated across an ecosystem of specialist suppliers, and a constantly evolving set of rules governs how technology and processes combine to deliver a consistent experience to customers, wherever they are. Within a new “hybrid” operating model, the balance of captive and outsourced services shifts constantly according to demand; in some places outsourcing is disappearing as intercompany sourcing models are established and technology enables every process to be brought in-house or in-country. SS_Dublin_infographic.indd 3 23/05/2016 12:39:18