E Y ’s M o b il i t y I n n o v a t i o n G r o u p — h o w E Y c a n h e l p EY’s Automotive & Transportation Sector works toward delivering the future of urban mobility — improving the movement of people and goods around the world. We bring “consulting in action” to our clients, enabling learning and development of new business models, products and technologies, while balancing their investment and attention to their traditional business. Automakers are operating in an unfamiliar environment, requiring more speed and innovation. EY is collaZorating oith disruptor firms$ suppliers$ automacers$ moZilitq service providers$ cities and research centers to design recommendations and path-to-market for our key clients’ most relevant issues. Let us help you on your journey. Id e a t io n Some examples of the S c a le u p F is h bo w ls tools and methodology S ca lin g a p p ro a ch Facilitating the generation, we’ve used to help Quickly extending and filtering and development clients design and industrializing proven of new business concepts experiment with concepts in the market through a transparent, to enhance value and iterative process mobility offerings first-mover advantage D e s ig n s h o ps C ity se le ct ion a n d Intense collaboration to co llab o ra tio n understand the art of the E x p e rim en ta t ion S ta r t u p Identifying and collaborating possible — what can you E x p er im e n t d e sig n a nd V a lu e s tr ea m m ap p in g with cities for mobility achieve with the constraints ex e c u tio n products and services taken away? Understanding where Running live in-market the value lies in your new R O II T h re e -b o x s tr at eg y experiments that provide propositions and how best to d e ve lo p m e n t actual business results and monetize them Measuring the return on organizational learning, fast innovation investment Balancing between managing S ta r t-u p c ha lle ng e s the present while creating H a c ka t ho n s the future Tools and techniques to allow Bringing together developers, mature organizations to T h in k ta nk designers and external innovate specialists to collaborate Harnessing the power of your intensively and make rapid internal and external online progress in a short time P a rt n er ec o sy s te m s communities to generate and Building an ecosystem of develop new business ideas O p e n inn o va t ion business partners to support new product and service Helping you to collaborate innovation across an extended innovation ecosystem to enhance the value of your new propositions The evolution of artificial intelligence and the acceptance of autonomous vehicles | 5