HHa_e /(a_e /( DCF and valuation pIndustry oaramevervieterws I Points of view from EY global sector Store costs management: how to improve internal rate of return and other industry professionals and enhance performance Store cost management does not end with concept Exhibitors, promotional materials, shopping bags, marceting, pmrchasing and technical offices. An fact, it indmstrialiration3 efficiencq opportmnities can be manneimins and hangers can be redesigned thromgh is only if each actor involved is available to ”get achieved through the so-called ”learning economies”: a process easier than the one undertaken for the involved in the game’’ that real business needs and those processes that allow retailers, while developing stores, but their redesign will likewise be able to market opportunities will be highlighted, boosting a a project, to learn from previous mistakes, eliminate decrease costs by up to 20%, without renouncing the virtuous circle that encourages co-design with oaste and increase realiration efficiencq. An omr concept of the store and while satisfying marketing trusted partners and a 360-degree analysis of experience, an efficiencq reconerq of mp to *( is needs and goals. investments (considering both initial costs as well as deemed feasible. Rethinking the store concept before In conclusion, a fundamental aspect of making the incidental or recurring ones), respecting marketing a neo oane of openings'renonations is still possible, redesign-to-cost process happen and be effective is guidelines and taking advantage of all communication but it’s better to remember that other elements, such the active collaboration between designers, and technical market solutions. as planning, consolidation of purchasing volumes, choice of the best partner and cost-controlling actinities, can hane eimallq significant effects. DeaÖels Displays and Window Shopping Structured contractual agreements, adoptable on a and brochures Catalogs point of purchase (POP) stickers bags Packaging large scale (e.g., builders, dry wall experts, electricians and main contractors) can help Levers Examples of actions companies anoid onerrmns.