3. V alue p rop osition imp rov ements are 4. S erv ice p rov iders and customers reducing th e need f or customers to call alike h av e v irtually stop p ed using f or b asic interactions or inf ormation. traditional email. • D igitiz ation diversifies non-voice touch points. • O nline f orms, email and p riv ate messaging on • Call deflection strategies are developed by social media have replaced traditional mail. They companies to shift contacts to appropriate are used to fill and send scanned documents, aiding channels. dematerialization of administrative procedures. • Simplified value propositions are offered, • S ocial media netw orks are used as a new reducing customer queries. complaint and bargaining channel by customers • More reliab le tech nical sy stems and more seeking compensation. mature p rocesses are curbing contact duration and the need for voice channels. • More inf ormed and self -educated customers make less frequent but more complex calls. “Companies are eager to shift entirely to emails due to the excellent ‘once and done’ ratio. “Digital and multi-channel allowed us to decrease 80% of emails can also be written through semi- call volumes by 20% in two years”. automated tools”. P ay- TV operator Telecom operator C ase study : F orecast evolution of customer contact channel mix b y share of inb ound contacts ( F rance, inb ound only , 2 015- 2 019 ) . 100% V oice ►Increased push for emails w ith automation and parsing methods 35% for b asic q uestions. 30% ►S trong development of chat. Chat ►S trong reduction in calls 2 5% thanks to avoidance strategies 2 0% and grow th of digital channels. 15% 10% email 5% 0% S ocial Media 2 015F 2 016 F 2 017 F 2 018 F 2 019 F Sources: EY forecasts and analysis O ff- site Customer R elationship S tudy | J anuary 2 016 5