2. Use of w ritten digital ch annels such • email is the major contact channel in the digital industry (example e-commerce companies). as ch at, email, and messenger ap p s is • Messenger ap p s are likely to become the next sp reading and ev olv ing. common channel as they are well aligned with • C h at is well developed in line with new customer emerging customer habits. habits (search online, act offline) and is available while browsing. • Example: chat is widely used by online pure players “Front line will be 100% digital in less than five (such as online banks). years for telecom operators”. L eading mobile netw ork operator C ase study : w eb /email/chat interactions are b ecoming more common, especially w ith w eb - only value propositions. W eb / email/ ch at are grow ing interaction modes In ev ery industry , p ackages are created w ith only digital sup p ort P ercentage of F rench people having proactively W eb -only of f ers b y industry used this contact channel in the past 12 months • 100% digital offer: 53% Mob ile no calls, no chat 50% netw ork • A ssistance 4 6 % operator via w eb forms 4 4 % and forums • Customer representative answ ers to emails in less Energy than 4 8 hours 2 3% 2 1% provider • F A Q and video are 17 % 18 % availab le in customer’ s 12 % self- help 7 % • H elp via chat, email, Tw itter, F aceb ook O nline and b y phone 2 010 2 012 2 014 b ank • W hen customer tries W eb site email Chat S ocial Media to contact a CCA , a dy namic F A Q search tool is proposed Sources: BVA - Customer Care Services Observatory / EY Analysis / company websites 4 O ff- site Customer R elationship S tudy | J anuary 2 016