Key findings D igital tech nologies • Example: In the banking sector, one-to-one meetings with retail agents have been replaced by are resh ap ing th e daily checks of account balances on smartphones. customer relationsh ip • Tutorials (example YouTube channels) educate viewers and allow them to solve problems by ch annel mix and f ront themselves. • F A Q s are increasingly dynamic with semantic line organiz ation search engines that select and retain only relevant information. 1. A utomation rep laces th e simp lest • IV R solutions direct client queries to the right advisors and solve problems faster and more tasks ( lev el 1) th rough digital tools: efficiently. F A Q s, Interactiv e V oice resp onse ( IV R) , and online f orums, etc. “We were able to deflect 50% of incoming flows to FAQ or automated email tools, allowing customer • Specific and dedicated apps are developed by service agents to focus on complex cases”. companies to encourage self-help and reduce L eading e- commerce company customer demands. C ase study : a maj or e- commerce play er reduced incoming contacts b y more than half b y using automated answ ers and F A Q s. P lay er Complexity level Context Channels Öow structure Contact rate: S tandard q ueries 6 % of total orders S imple IV R s, w eb site F A Q s 1 (order status, parcel ( 300+ answ ers for q uestions status, pay ment, standard q uestions) unsub scription, etc) . c50% R epetitive Chat and email 2 R egular q uestions/q ueries (w ith automated text c2 0% q uestions unavailab le in F A Q s recognition and automated reply ) c30% V ery complex cases P hone calls 3 Complex (parcel lost, w rong order, etc. ) to customer service q uestions w ith impacts on b rand image employ ees Incoming contacts Sources: E-commerce player website / L’Express / Interviews. O ff- site Customer R elationship S tudy | J anuary 2 016 3