Our survey: why and how To uncover the latest trends in customer care, Against this backdrop, we focused our market EY surveyed more than 40 companies in four survey on customer-facing industries with a lot of countries during Q3 2015. remote customer contact. In each market we quizzed Customer Service is changing fast. One-to-one vertically-integrated suppliers, online pure players interactions are being displaced by one-to-many and disrupters, and traditional champions to ensure connections; cross-channel touch-points are we captured the new habits and behavior of digital multiplying and customers are becoming more natives. demanding. Companies are affected in three ways: We interviewed a range of executives within these customer relationship costs are evolving, contacts industries. are increasing across ever more diverse channels and brands are becoming more sensitive to customer views. Interv iew s conducted b y market segment Interviews conducted by professional profile (# of comp anies) (# of interv iew ees) Telecom c1 1 Customer Care c30 Directors Insurance c8 Banking c7 Marketing c15 Directors E-commerce c5 Digital/Innovation c10 Utilities c4 Directors Retail c3 Change and Transformation c5 Media c2 Directors CEX Experts c5 14 O ff- site Customer R elationship S tudy | J anuary 2 016