Chart 9b How would you rate the following aspects of the relationship between Teaming takes time the CFO and head of supply chain (%)? An effective, collaborative relationship between finance and Overall quality of the supply chain demands time, resources and commitment. the relationship Among our sample of CFOs, business partners say that 100 they spend 25% of their time with the head of supply chain, whereas those with a more traditional relationship spend Mutual91 91 12%. Both, however, agree that this is not enough: the understanding Level of agreement business partner CFOs think that they should be spending of key risks and 26 23 over key priorities opportunities 18 one-third of their time on the supply chain, compared with 23 17 20% for the traditional CFOs (see Chart 10). 8 82 Spending more than one day a week with the head of Ability to 78 Alignment between the supply chain may be unrealistic, but it does illustrate the work through finance objectives and importance of the relationship. The consensus, even among business challenges the supply chain 80 business partner CFOs who already dedicate a lot of their Ability to link supply chain time to supply chain issues, is that this is an aspect of the strategy with finance objectives business that deserves more attention. Business partnering supply chain Traditional supply chain Chart 10 What proportion of your time do you currently spend working with the head of supply chain, and what proportion do you think you should spend? Traditional 12 finance 20 Business 25 partnering finance 33 % 0 10 20 30 40 Currently spend Should spend 16 Partnering for performance Part 1: the CFO and the supply chain