Creating an analytics-driven organization CFOs need to work with CIOs to convert analytics into an Key findings about the use of analytics enterprise-wide capability The seeds of data analytics were sown in the IT function. But to realize its Chart 7: How has your company's EBITDA changed over the past three years? potential as a tool for delivering better decision-making, analytics needs to be Over 10% increase 48% seen as a business issue, not a technology one. 35% 1% to 10% increase 44% “ Companies don’t have analytics challenges or 44% opportunities. They have business challenges 1% to 10% decrease 4% and opportunities, which analytics can play a role 9% in tackling.” No change 3% 8% Chris Mazzei, Global Chief Analytics Officer, EY Over 10% decrease 1% 2% Those who gave analytics a very high priority Our survey of 652 CFOs from across the world globe finds an association Others between CFOs making analytics a top priority and organizational value: 48% Analytics an increasing driver of CFO and CIO collaboration who say that analytics is a very high priority had EBITDA growth of greater CFOs point to the need to improve analytics capabilities and the need for than 10% over the past three years. Among the rest of the sample, just 35% better data as the top two drivers of greater collaboration between CFOs and grew at this rate. CIOs (see Chart 8, page 18). “ Analytics is the foundation for the CFO to get greater transparency and insight, and to steer the business.” Helen Arnold, CIO, SAP Partnering for performance Part 3: the CFO and the CIO 17